Western Province Rugby Football Union hold AGM


WPRFU held their annual general meeting on 31st January at the Galadari Hotel and the following office bearers were appointed for the year 2013/14

President               :   Mr. M.Rizly Illyas

Deputy President    :   Mr. Nazeem Mohamed

Vice President        :   Mr. H. Marso

Vice Persident        :   Mr. Roshan Deen

Hony. Secretary      :   Mr. Dilroy Fernando

Assistant Secretary  :   Mr. Luxman Wijesuriya

Hony.Treasurer       :   Mr. Thusitha Peiris

Asst. Treasurer       :  Mr. Shamrath Fernando

Past President        :  Mr. Wimal Senanayake

Past President        :  Mr. Fazal Mohammed              

The Secretary or the President Mr. Rizly Illyas will be dealing with any matters relating to the Western Province Rugby Football Union.