Vishwamithra Jayasinghe in hot water

Vishwamithra Jayasinghe

Access and Kandy star wing three quarter Vishwamithra Jayasinghe is in hot water following an incident that took place after the Mercantile 7’s final last weekend (23rd July).

Jayasinghe, who represented the Access team at the championship, was accused of getting into an altercation with the Sub-Official Mohammed Ashrof.

Following the police hearing which was concluded during the week, Vishwamithra Jayasinghe has accepted his wrong doings and apologized, but will face further sanction from World Rugby.

Meanwhile MAS trainer Dinesh Kumara, another accused party, speaking to denied any wrongdoing, saying “I have nothing to do with the Access bench, I went to put a stop to the incident”.

ThePapare spoke to the President of the Sri Lanka Society of Rugby Football Referees (SLSRFR), Nizam Jamaldeen, regarding the incident and the repercussions of it. He said, “The legal procedure has been mutually settled under four conditions. In future there will be no harassment/threatening in this regard, by this party. Secondly, if he (Ashrof) requires medical attention, the two parties (Jayasinghe & Kumara) will have to bare (the cost of) it”

Furthermore Jamaldeen went on to say, “The third condition is that he (Vishva) had to admit the fault and apologize and the Fourth (condition) is these legal proceedings cannot be equated to a World Rugby inquiry. Under these four conditions he (Ashrof) has accepted the apology”

Additionally, he said, “there should be an inquiry by the union in the next few days”.