More than 800 young swimmers to make splashes at Vidudaya Ritzbury 2023

Vidudaya Ritzbury Swimming Championships 2023


The Vidudaya Ritzbury Swimming Championships 2023, organized by the Department of Physical Education and the Sports Council of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, and powered by Ritzbury, will take place on the upcoming weekend, the 26th and the 27th of May 2023, at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura Swimming Pool Complex.

Sri Lanka’s favorite chocolate brand, “Ritzbury” will be the sole sponsor for the 3rd time for this event by powering the dreams of young swimmers.

Over 800 youngsters from around 100 island-wide clubs and schools are ready to race each other this weekend under five age categories and 128 events.

>>Ritzbury empowers Vidudaya Ritzbury Swimming Championship 2023<<

Swimming events varying from 50m to 200m distances from each stroke will be conducted under five age categories as Under 10,12,14,16 and 18.

Out of the 128 events, 108 events will be individual while the rest of the 20 events will be relays.

According to sources, 2600 plus individual event entries have been received, and 144 relay teams will swim at this competition.

>>Photos – Ritzbury – Vidudaya Inter School Swimming Championship 2023 | Press Conference<<

The championship will recognize the top 3 places of each event with medals and certificates while ten age group champions will be rewarded, and gender-wise two overall champion teams will be crowned.

The competition will run under the support and guidance of Sri Lanka Aquatic Sports Union officials.