Tony Amit to spearhead SLSRFR


Tony Amit was elected President of the Sri Lanka Society of Rugby Football Referees (SLSRFR), uncontested, for the year 2020.

The Annual General Meeting of the SLSRFR was held a short while ago (11th January) at the Organization of Professional Associations.

The outgoing President, Nizam Jamaldeen thanked his Committee Members, sponsors and all members of the Referee Society for their support towards developing Referees and for helping him to bring the Society to its current position.

Multiple changes took place as members voted in new Vice-Presidents, new Past Committee Members, and 3 new committee Members.

The incoming President with credentials of being the former Asian Rugby Football Referees Society in 2004 Amit made sure to thank the outgoing President and assured those present that he will continue the good work done in the past couple of years.

Meanwhile, the Secretary and the Treasurer remain the same, while Anil Jayasinghe will remain as the Referee Manager of the Sri Lanka Society of Rugby Football Referees.

Office bearers for 2019:

President: Tony Amit
Vice Presidents: Tuan Doole and Asanka
Secretary: Dinka Peiris
Treasurer: Shamrath Fernando

Past Committee Members:
Mr. Nizam Jamaldeen and Mr. Gamini Jayasinghe 

Committee Members:

Irshad Cader 
Rohan Fernando
Madawa Wijesiri