Thiwanka to do it for his dad and for cancer


“Run For Their Lives” is an annual charity run hosted by the Rotaract Club of Colombo Uptown in aid of the National Cancer Institute of Maharagama.

Now on its fourth year, the main objective of the project is to encourage people to contribute to charity while having an enjoyable time.

Thiwanka Bulankulame, a young man having lost his father to cancer two years ago Is adding another twist to this tale. He will be cycling from Point Pedro to Colombo to culminate at the CH & FC on the 8th of December to join in the Run for their Lives charity event.

Thiwanka is taking on this astonishing feat ahead of the ‘Run for Their Lives’ event commencing at Point Pedro tomorrow morning and cycling through to Killinochchi where he will break journey for the first night. He will be pushing on to Vauniya the next day and spend nights in Anuradhapura and Kurunegala respectively before riding to Colombo.  All together approximately 390km journey will be undertaken by him.

Even though he had planned to accomplish this on his own he will have friends and family joining him along the journey by vehicle.

On this undertaking Thiwanka had this to say ‘having lost my father to cancer over 2 years ago, this cause has been one close to my heart and I have taken part in this event from its inception and have always wished to take a more active part in this fund raising opportunity. I myself have seen time and time again how my father suffered knowing that gradually he will be engulfed by this incurable disease. It was heartbreaking. There are thousands of people in Sri Lanka who are currently suffering from various forms of this disease and i cant imagine what it must be like to not be able to afford proper medication.

Run For Their Lives” has grown along the years initially attracting 375 participants and making a contribution of Rs. 399,540 in 2010 to over 1600 participants and making a contribution of Rs. 1,331,880 in 2012. This year too Run for Their Lives will unfold in the same cause on the 8th December 2014.

Thiwanka Bulankulame, a fit young athlete who has been a proud participant of “Run For Their lives” since the year of inception, 2010, where he was placed among the top five contestants to end the 5km challenge. From his younger days Thiwanka has always been an amazing sportsman specially excelling in Rugby. He has represented his school, Clubs, Uva Province etc. It is with this track record that Thiwanka embarks on this challenge to take his fight against cancer to the next level.

You can contribute to the Run for Their Lives/ Thiwanka’s cause by purchasing donation vouchers at ( 


Also send an email to [email protected] informing of your contribution on behalf of Thiwanka. commends Thiwanka in this endeavor and wish him all the best and hope to catch him at the finish line.