The Royal challenge to the Trinity Haka


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One can excuse Royal as they would have never faced a haka – so they didnt know how to react / respect it …and that was before the game- not during the game. However its ugly to see that kind of behavior from a school like Royal.

Some of the rugby fans of both TCK n ROYAL did not accept the retaliation and the HAKA which is usually a war cry done by the Maoris and not by a Traditional Rugby playing Sri Lankan school to another ! 

But for me .. its a unique haka written by their coach which has a meaning and trinitians performed it well !


Kingswood did a Haka of their own and in 2010 they did it with the final move being a big “ahhh” (spit flying) at our players faces. 🙂

S. Thomas has a starting ritual which has continued for decades and even performed overseas on their Aussie tour of 2009.

Trinity thought it was cute to come up with a version of the Haka and obviously Neil Foote thought it was a good idea since it was from his culture. 

However this is just like any other motivational method (as mentioned above). There shouldn’t be any special importance or personification given to it. Statements like “you shouldn’t challenge a Haka” or “you should respect a Haka” is absolutely non-sensical in my opinion specially when it is an imitation done by a school on a tiny island thousands of miles away from the birthplace of the mere word “HAKA”.  

Maybe you should respect the age old war cry which is the New Zealand Haka which although being revised over the years is still very much a representation of their culture and rituals.

Butt (the big butt) what was wrong in this whole scenario is that;

1. Theoretically just before the kick off the opposing team cannot overstep the 50m line. France did this at a World Cup and was fined. (They weren’t fined for challenging the Haka mind you but for this reason). This display right in front if the IRB chief was a gross embarrassment to Sri Lankan rugby – caused by those who did it. 

2. Royal College has just won the hearts of the rugby community of Sri Lanka as the “lambs who were almost slaughtered” at the Pathana match. After all the many discussions and debates over that match those players should know better than to punch, shove or eye gouge ANYONE EVER AGAIN in their lives. Let alone their opposition on the hallowed rugby field!


Do not appreciate it. Royal boys could have responded better. Doing nothing would have been better. Or a simple loud ROYAL would have sufficed.



It was disappointing to see the way the Royal team acted in such a big game. This sets a bad example for the junior age groups who look up to all these Aiya’s. 🙂


Bradby,Sri Lanka’s most iconic rugby encounter and the Haka,an icon in world rugby fused together byTrinity was quite fascinating to watch. One must not forget the reaction by Royal who stood up to it with fist and fury, which made the whole incident a delight to the spectators.



Bradby,Sri Lanka’s most iconic rugby encounter and the Haka,an icon in world rugby fused together byTrinity was quite fascinating to watch.One must not forget the reaction by Royal who stood up to it with fist and fury,which made the whole incident a delight to the spectators.


Trinity was in their half and Royal stormed into Trinity territory – no matter what they had no right to do that……..

Even before the Haka they raged on to the field in a murderous frenzy possibility wanting throw up aggression negating the mindset off the  Pathana game.

This is how u respond to a haka. Classy, gutsy and fiery.


Trinity wanted to be cocky and think they’re the all blacks?? Fine Royal responded with a cocky comeback. Nothing more.

Come on ….

Where oh where was the moral high ground taken by Royal after the Pathana game?

 Where oh where was that much bandied Sportsmanship Royal preached Pathana to display? 

Where oh where were those Gentlemen of Royal who walked off the field that day? 

Or were they the same  hooligans who got beat up after provoking like they did today??   

Where oh where was that so called “Class” that Royalists were supposed to display? 

Where oh where was the sportsmanship that Royalists are supposed to know? 

Where oh where is the spirit of  Bradby when Royal stoops this low? 

Neither a Royalist, a Trinitian or a Pathanian. 

A great shame! Looks like Royal have come out unable to man up to a challenge twice this season….

Never mind Trinity – it was the Haka – a sacred tradition and character added to the Rugby world by the mighty All Blacks – respected by all their opponents and followers of the game

May be it was a reaction of a bunch of misled kids who did not know how to react to that challenge, especially after being called all kinds of names after walking off the field in the Pathana game

Sri Lanka has to hang her head in shame though because the IRB boss was sitting in the audience 🙁


If you give dish out criticism. You should be man enough to take some as well. Following the Pathana game, the Royalists took the moral high ground of branding Isipathana a bunch of rowdies. However, the manner in which their team reacted, or should I say overreacted to the Trinity ‘haka’ was no less abysmal. A great shame. Wonder what the Principal of Royal has to say about his own charges..


Absolutely sickening and disgusting what they did. Honestly it is ten times worse than what Pathana did to them… Disgraceful, cowardly, embarrassing and classless. They acted like a bunch of apes and destroyed what is the most sacred tradition of rugby. I’m surprised it has not caused issues… Specially with the IRB chairman being there. If that happened in an international game every player would have been given months of suspension for sure. 

Trinity really had no need to do a haka. But if they wanted to it is their right. But what Royal did destroyed the spirit of the haka. If you ask me this is the worst Royal team in history. They can’t play on the field so they concoct rubbish off it to try and make an impact. 

T B Joshua