The Birth of ThePapare All Star


There is no sporting passage in Sri Lanka that eclipses the School Rugby league where schools spend hours deliberating, planning, pitting and executing strategies against each other.

The rigorous regimes and severe work ethics produce well-molded, fiercely psyched, hard as nails school boys who are prepared in gladiator fashion to take on enemy under all conditions.

From the player who dotingly adorns his 1st XV jersey, to the younger ‘mallies’ who lionize them and the staunch old boys who scream hoarse at the sidelines, this unprecedented Sri Lankan phenomena called ‘schools rugby’ sets an amplified tone to the word ‘passion’

Sharing this passion, ThePapare’s equally fervent rugby reporters trail-blazed, rejuvenating the previous rivalry of the two cities; Kandy the last bastion and Colombo the bustling metropolis with a showdown of humongous proportions. The best of the best of schools rugby were pitted against each other in an encounter of the another kind.

After a lapse of two years, ThePapare All Star readies to unfold this scintillating occurrence; a match, an event, a spectacle.  On the 26th of July, the Kandy Reds- the ferocious bulls clad in red will face-off against the Colombo Blues, the vicious sharks attired in all blue for ThePapare All Star trophy amidst an expectant crowd at the picturesque Race course grounds.

Be There !!!!!!!!!

ThePapare All Star Rugby Encounter 2014