The Battle of the 90’s


The St. Josephs College, Colombo 10 batch of 97 is to hold a sports fiesta where the batches from 1990 to 1999 will compete for inter batch supremacy on Sunday the 24th of August at the St. Josephs College grounds.

The event which is organized to give an opportunity for old Josephians to take a trip down memory to the times where they played at the Beire grounds and the College main grounds giving them a chance to reminiscence the fun filled moments they shared back in their days at the School by the lake.

The SJC batch of 97 who takes responsibility of organizing this event said, they will look forward to make this an annual event which will be held for the purpose of facilitating harmony and fellowship amongst the 90’s batches of SJC. This fun filled extravaganza will feature mainly track and field events but also includes popular sports like cricket sixes & rugby sevens as well as some fun non-traditional events. The most unique feature of this sports fiesta is the fact that events will be carried out across weight categories thus making it possible for a majority to participate. Further, there will be events for the ladies whilst many games and fun activities for the children are also to be included.

Rector St. Josephs College, Rev. Fr. Travis Gabriel said at the press conference held today at the College Refectory, “I am pleased to be a part of this as Rector of St. Joseph’ College, this is a good opportunity for old joes to go back to their school days and enjoy in a family atmosphere”. He thanked the batch of 97 for taking the initiative in organizing this event to “bring the Josephian family together”. 

Also present at the press conference the President of the 97 batch Mr. Thilan Perera said ‘this sports fiesta is a new initiative and will look forward to taking this further in years to come’. He further added, “the main aim of this is to unite the Josephian family while building a Blue and White army and to go back in times in school”.

Also speaking to the media the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Mr. Gayantha Dehiwatte stated that this event has been targeted not just for the athletes of the 90’s batches but for Josephians of all age groups along with their entire families to have a memorable day. He also went on to say that events have been structured in such a way that there will be maximum participation from the batches. Over 3000 Old Josephians along with their families are expected for this event.  

The day’s proceedings will get under way at 8.30 am with Holy mass at the College Chapel followed by family breakfast at the College Refectory. The opening ceremony of the Battle of 90’s – Sports Fiesta will be at 10.00am and then the much awaited sporting events will be held at the college main grounds. A carnival atmosphere can be expected with many stalls for food and beverages and non-stop music courtesy of a live band, a DJ and Papare bands.

The main sponsors for these events are; ABC Radio Network; Electronic Media Partner,; Online Media Partner and Diyatha Advertising (Pvt) Ltd; Advertising Partner.