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School Hockey

කුළුඳුල් ශූර ශූරියන් සමඟ Blue & Gold හොකී කුසලානය අවසන්

කොළඹ රාජකීය විද්‍යාලය විසින් සංවිධානය කරන Blue & Gold හොකී තරගාවලිය ඊයේ (13) සහ...

Photos: Royal – Thomian Hockey 2018

ThePapare.com | Romold Newton | 11/11/2018 Editing and re-using images without permission of ThePapare.com will...

Photos: Royal – Thomian Hockey 2018 | Old Boy’s Match

ThePapare.com | Romold Newton | 11/11/2018 Editing and re-using images without permission of ThePapare.com will...

Photos: Royal – Thomian Hockey 2018 | U15 Match

ThePapare.com | Romold Newton | 11/11/2018 Editing and re-using images without permission of ThePapare.com will...

Replay – 19th Royal – Thomian Hockey Encounter 2018

The 19th edition of the Orville Abeynaike Trophy will commence with Royal College and...

Replay – 17th Ananda – Nalanda Hockey Encounter 2018

The 17th Battle of the Maroons Hockey Encounter , between Ananda College and Nalanda College comes...

Photos: S.Thomas College v S.Thomas College, Gurutalawa | Annual Hockey Encounter

Photos: S.Thomas College v S.Thomas College, Gurutalawa | Annual Hockey Encounter $contents = file_get_contents("http://portal.thepapare.com/widgets/gallery/1086");...

Dudley De Silva Challenge trophy was grabbed by Royal College

The 10th annual hockey encounter for the Dudley De Silva trophy between Royal College...

Replay – Ladies College vs Bishop’s College Hockey Encounter

13th Annual Hockey match between Ladies College vs Bishop’s College on the 14th of...

Royal Thomian Hockey Encounter ends in a stalemate

The 17th Annual Royal Thomian Hockey encounter for the coveted Orville Abeynaike Trophy took...

Bishopian’s successful in bringing the shield back home

Colombo’s leading girl’s schools- Bishop’s College and Ladies’ College- had their 12th annual hockey...

திரித்துவக் கல்லூரியை வென்று கிண்ணத்தை கைப்பற்றிய ரோயல் கல்லூரி

திரித்துவக் கல்லூரி மற்றும் கொழும்பு ரோயல் கல்லூரிகளுக்கிடையிலான  12ஆவது வருடாந்த ஹொக்கி போட்டியில் ரோயல் கல்லூரி அணி 2-0...

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Photos – Under Armour – Instore Event – Yoga Session for Women’s Day 2025

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