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Musaeus College

Final Races Tomorrow! Musaeus in front

The 15th edition of the Ladies’ College versus Musaeus College Regatta got off to...

Queens of the Water, Musaeus or Ladies?

The Ladies-Musaeus regatta, commonly known as the LC-MC regatta, is set to get underway...

Photos : Bishop’s College vs Musaeus College Hockey Encounter 2018 – Past Pupils

Photos of Bishop's College vs Musaeus College Hockey Encounter 2018 - Past Pupils $contents...

Musaeus with sweet revenge; SL Army retain gold

Musaeus College, Colombo and the swim team from Sri Lanka Army dominated the Girls’...

மியூசியஸ் – கேட்வே கல்லூரிகளுக்கு இடையில் முதற்தடவையாக மாபெரும் வலைப்பந்து போட்டி

மியூசியஸ் கல்லூரியும், கேட்வே கல்லூரியும் முதல் தடவையாக தமக்கிடையே மாபெரும் வலைப்பந்து போட்டி ஒன்றை ஏற்பாடு செய்திருக்கின்றன. முதல்...

Photos : Musaeus College v Gateway College Netball Encounter – ‘Marie Musaeus-Rohini Alles Challenge Trophy’

Photos of Musaeus College v Gateway College Netball Encounter - ‘Marie Musaeus-Rohini Alles Challenge...

මහමායාවන් 20 වැනි වරටත්, සාන්ත ජෝසප් 15 වැනි වරටත් ශූරතාවය දිනා ගනී

45 වැනි වතාවටත් පැවැත්වුණු මයිලෝ සමස්ත ලංකා පාසල් වයස් සීමා ජල ක්‍රීඩා තරගාවලියේ ඊයේ...

Joes Unbeaten for 15; Mahamaya celebrates 20

St. Joseph’s College and Mahamaya Girls College Kandy proved to be invincible, once and...

Race for gold begins, Visakha takes on Mahamaya

After 19-years of supremacy, Mahamaya Girls College Kandy are in for a treat from...

නාලන්දාව සහ මියුසියස්, හොකී පිටිය අතික්‍රමණය කරයි

16 වැනි වරටත් රාජකීයයින් විසින් සංවිධානය කළ වාර්ෂික සත් සාමාජික හොකී තරගාවලිය, ඔක්තෝබර් මස 21 සහ...

LC MC, LC BC & LC VV, Relive the Action

ThePapare.com takes a brief look back at what happened to the LC MC Regatta,...

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WATCH – Match Highlights – Royal vs S. Thomas’ | 146th Battle of the Blues

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