HomeTagsManu Sawhney

Manu Sawhney

වැඩ තහනම් වූ ICC ලොක්කා කැමැත්තෙන් ගෙදර යයි

ජාත්‍යන්තර ක්‍රිකට් කවුන්සිලයේ (ICC) ප්‍රධාන විධායක නිලධාරි (CEO) Manu Sawhney මහතා වහාම ක්‍රියාත්මක වන...

Video – ICC explains reasons for T20 World Cup postponement

ICC Chief Executive Manu Sawhney explained the reasons behind postponing the ICC T20 World...

ஐ.சி.சி இன் தலைவர் பதவியிலிருந்து சஷாங் மனோஹர் இராஜினாமா

சர்வதேச கிரிக்கெட் சபையின் (ஐ.சி.சி) தலைவர் பதவியிலிருந்து சஷாங் மனோஹர் இராஜினாமா செய்வதாக இன்று (01) அறிவித்துள்ளார். இந்நிலையில்,...

T20 உலகக் கிண்ணம் குறித்த அறிவிப்பு ஜூலையில்!

சர்வதேச கிரிக்கெட் வாரியம் எதிர்வரும் ஒக்டோபர் மாதத்தில் நடாத்தவிருந்த T20 உலகக் கிண்ணம் மற்றும் 2021 மகளிர் உலகக்...

ඇතුලත ගිනි පිටතට දුන් අය ගැන ICCය තීරණයක් ගනී

තම සංවිධානය තුල සිටින ඉහළ කළමනාකාරිත්වයේ ඇතැම් නිලධාරීන්ගේ ක්‍රියාකලාපය සම්බන්ධයෙන් දැඩි අවධානයෙන් සිටීමට සිදුව...

U19 Women’s T20 World Cup approved by ICC

Several developments in Women’s Cricket were announced following the conclusion of the ICC Board...

Women’s Twenty20 cricket set to feature in 2022 Commonwealth Games

Women's Twenty20 cricket is on course to be included in the Commonwealth Games in...

உலகக் கிண்ணத்தை வெல்ல கொக்கா கோலாவுடன் கைகோர்க்கும் இலங்கை

இலங்கை அணி வீழ்ச்சி அடையும்போது விமர்சிக்க வேண்டாம். அதிலும் குறிப்பாக ஊடகங்கள் பொறுப்புணர்வுடன் செயற்பட வேண்டும் எனத் தெரிவித்த...

අරවින්ද සහ හරීන් කළින්ම අත් ඔසවති

හිටපු ක්‍රිකට් ක්‍රීඩකයකු ලෙස වත්මන් කණ්ඩායම පිළිබඳව ක්‍රීඩා ලෝලීන්ගේ හදවත් තුළ ඇඳී තිබෙන චිත්‍රය...

Coca-Cola launches a campaign to support SL Cricket

Today (2019-04-09), Coca-Cola announced that they have entered into a partnership with ICC to...

India retain ICC Test Championship mace

India have retained the ICC Test Championship Mace and won the purse of $...

Sawhney takes over as Chief Executive of ICC

The International Cricket Council (ICC) today announced that Manu Sawhney will assume the position...

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