

St. Peter’s take major honours on day one

St. Peter’s College dominated the first day’s play in the 84th Battle of the...

පළමු දිනයේ වැඩි වාසිය සාන්ත පීතර විද්‍යාලයට

මරදාන සාන්ත ජෝසප් විද්‍යාලය හා බම්බලපිටිය සාන්ත පීතර විද්‍යාලය අතර පැවැත්වෙන 84 වන සාන්තුවරයන්ගේ...

44th Joe-Pete encounter – Memories of 1978

St. Peter’s College had a very good season in 1978 under the captaincy of Suraj Abeysekera winning “Best All Island Team” in both the Observer and Times competitions.

அதிரடிக்கு தயாராகும் 84ஆவது புனிதர்களின் சமர்

கொழும்பின் இரு பிரதான கத்தோலிக்க பாடசாலைகளான புனித ஜோசப் கல்லூரியும், புனித பேதுரு கல்லூரியும் பங்குபெறும் மற்றுமொரு வருடாந்த...

The 84th Joe-Pete cricket encounter set to be a thriller

The 84th Battle of the Saints cricket encounter between St. Joseph’s College and St....

84 වැනි සාන්තුවරයන්ගේ සටනට පිටිය සූදානම්

තියුණු සටනක පෙරනිමිති පෙන්නුම් කරන සාන්ත ජෝසප් විදුහල හා සාන්ත පීතර විදුහල අතර පැවැත්වෙන...

Highlights – St.Joseph’s College v St.Peter’s College – 27th Joe-Pete Football

St.Joseph's College hosted arch rivals St.Peter's College in the 27th Joe-Pete Football Encounter at...

Peterites’ 2nd half surge stuns Joes

Daniel Magrath scored two 2nd half goals as St.Peter's College came from a goal...

Match Replay – 27th Joe-Pete Football Encounter

St.Joseph's College hosts rivals St.Peter's College in the 27th Joe-Pete Football Encounter at the...

டயலொக் அனுசரணையில் 83ஆவது புனிதர்களின் சமர்

எதிர் வரும் மார்ச் மாதம் 3ஆம் மற்றும் 4ஆம் திகதிகளில் P. சரவணமுத்து கிரிக்கெட் மைதானத்தில் புனித ஜோசப்...

83 වැනි ‘සාන්තුවරයන්ගේ සටනට’ ඩයලොග් සවිය

බම්බලපිටිය සාන්ත පීතර විද්‍යාලයත්, මරදාන සාන්ත ජෝසප් විද්‍යාලයත් අතර පැවැත්වෙන 83 වැනි 'සාන්තුවරයන්ගේ සටන',...

Dialog to power 83rd Battle of the Saints

The 83rd Battle of the Saints between St Joseph’s College and St Peter’s College...

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