HomeTagsFFSL President’s Cup 2020

FFSL President’s Cup 2020

Blue Eagles protest against New Star

Blue Eagles have lodged a protest against New Star following their narrow 2-1 defeat...

Blue Eagles – New Star ගැටුමට පාපන්දු සම්මේලනයෙන් අවසන් තීරණයක්

තියුණු තරගයකට පසුව ගෝල 02-01ක් ලෙස නිමා වුන Vantage FFSL President’s Cup 2020 තරගාවලියේ...

FFSL தலைவர் கிண்ணத்தில் கொவிட்-19 விதி மீறல்கள்

அரசாங்கம் மற்றும் விளையாட்டுத் துறை அமைச்சு அமுல்படுத்திய கொவிட்-19 தொற்றுக்கு எதிரான பல விதிகள் மற்றும் வழிகாட்டல்கள் FFSL...

FFSL සභාපති කුසලානය කොරෝනා රෙගුලාසි උල්ලංඝණය කරයි

මේ වන විට පැවැත්වෙමින් තිබෙන FFSL සභාපති කුසලාන පාපන්දු තරගාවලිය පවත්වාගෙන යාමේ දී COVID-19...

President’s Cup breaks COVID-19 Rules & Guidelines

The FFSL President’s Cup finds itself in what could result in a dangerous situation...

Saunders drown Super Sun in goals; Defenders beat Red Stars

Saunders & Super Sun played out an incredible game where 14 goals were scored,...

Java Lane demolish Moragasmulla; Lions dissolve Blue Star hopes

Java Lane produced a five star performance on their way to the quarter finals...

Serendib humiliate Ratnam; Sea Hawks narrowly beat Police

Serendib FC thumped Ratnam with six goals while Sea Hawks registered their first win...

Colombo made to toil; Blue Eagles edge past Palace

Colombo had to dig deep to earn three points while Blue Eagles narrowly defeated...

FFSL President’s Cup to restart football

The Football Federation of Sri Lanka (FFSL) will restart football activities after the lockdown...

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