Table tennis official blames association


Assistant Secretary of the Table Tennis Association of Sri Lanka (TTASL) Susil Ramanayake has petitioned Sports Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage urging him to take urgent measures to combat growing irregularities and mal-practices at the association.


The petitioner charged that the Association has failed to submit its audited final accounts of three years in succession contravening the Sports Law.

“I have raised this over and over again, but unfortunately they have turned a blind eye not only for this but to several other issues,” charged Ramanayake.

Ramanayake also said that its Executive Committee on December 20, 2013 unanimously took several vital decisions, including that of calling for a Special General Meeting (SGM) that deemed important for the smooth functioning of the association, but president due to outside pressure had refrained from calling a SGM.

The TTASL is headed by ruling party politician Lasantha Alagiyawanna.

“There are some burning issues. We do not have a secretary, no treasurer; there are two vice president posts and 11 Ex-Co members’ positions vacant. We need to get them appointed soon. But despite repeated appeals there has been no call for SGM,” said Ramanayake.

According to Ramanayake, treasurer MSM Razeen resigned from his post in November last year while secretary, two vice presidents and 11 Ex-Co members were expelled after they had failed to attend more than three successive meetings last year.

“This clearly shows how lethargic the association is. The authority to take decisions of the TTASL lies solely with the Ex-Co. However, none of the decisions taken by the EX-Co has ever been put to practice by the President as he has to first inform and get the sanctions of the past President Chandana Perera,” Ramanayake wrote in his letter to Sports Minister.

“Notwithstanding the fact that the former president has nothing to do with the decisions of the TTASL, all activities are done by him according to his whims and fancies, and put to practice by the present regime particularly, the present president.”