Susanthika to take over National Athletic Pools


The Sri Lanka Athletic Association (SLAA) has decided to assign new responsibilities to Sri Lanka’s celebrated sprint queen Susanthika Jayasinghe, ThePapare learns. 


Following a decision arrived at an Executive Committee meeting, Susanthika Jayasinghe will be handed over the National Athletic Pool, where she would be responsible of designing, implementing new strategies and maintaining successful Junior and Senior athletic pools. 

Olympic medalist Jayasinghe has been awarded with the opportunity, as the SLAA Executive Committee had decided to ascribe precise duties to the seven Vice Presidents serving under the SLAA. 

The seven Vice Presidents who were assigned with new duties and responsibilities will have to present their proposals and future plans, at the next Executive Committee meeting which is scheduled to take place on April 16, 2013. 

The SLAA sources say, proposed suggestions and strategies will be considered andevaluated before architecting an Athletic Development Plan for Sri Lanka.