Statement Issued by Science College Rugby Support Group


“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success” – Henry Ford. 

Science College Rugby Support Group (SCRSG) came together to revive the sport at Science College at a time it needed the most. Yet, coming together didn’t improve the situation as we expected. It required a force to redefine the cause. Mothilalv Jayathilake who joined the team initially as the trainer and turned to coaching later, just did that. As the Coach cum Trainer of Science Rugby Mr.Jayathilake kept challenging the status quo and helped SCRSG to expand the horizon beyond imaginations. His undying urge to win brought the much needed self-belief in to Science Rugby and the rest remains history. During the last 3 years Science Rugby became the talk of the town and created ripples in the School’s Rugby circles. The combination of SCRSG and Mothilal Jayathilake kept together in progress and worked together in success to the true spirit of it.

With the school’s Rugby going through a rapid change over time, the whole landscape has become extremely challenging and that has brought SCRSG to cross roads. Science Rugby was funded and managed by a handful of old boys and supporters throughout the journey. But the huge shifts taking place in Schools Rugby is claiming it’s toll on the machinery and as a result it’s running out of steam. With a promising team in hand, captained by junior national Richard Dharmapala, just before the league to start SCRSG is finding extremely difficult to fund the needs of the team. After a much debate and deliberation SCRSG was forced to make some tough decisions. In the process with great sense of loss, SCRSG decided to discontinue the services of a great man who infused the art of winning to Science Rugby.

SCRSG wishes to thank Mr Mothilal Jayathilake for the great services he rendered during the last 3 years in moulding a fantastic Rugby culture at Science College with bare minimum facilities. You inspired a set of talented kids beyond the playing fields. SCRSG wished you all the very best in your future endeavours.

Merci Mothilal!

Science College Rugby Support Group
Science College
Mount Lavinia
1st March 2013