Sri Lanka Netball touring Malawi

Sri Lanka Netball Team touring Malawi
Sri Lanka Netball Team - Tour of Malawi 2018

Sri Lanka Netball Team are touring Malawi on a 11-day tour with just a month before the start of the 11th Asian Netball Championship 2018 in Singapore.

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Sri Lanka who are ranked 26th in the world are touring world ranked 6th, Malawi for the 2nd time in their history. The first time they did was back in 2009, that too before the start of the Asian Netball Championship which Sri Lanka won.

The tour from 26th July – 5th August will feature 6 matches. Sri Lanka will play against the Malawi U20 National team twice, Two against club teams and another two against the Malawi National Team – Malawi Queens.

The tour squad will comprise of 15 members and will be captained by the experienced Chathurangi Jayasooriya of Air Force SC.

“This is another good opportunity for the team to gain experience, get match time and build as a team. We had a successful International Invitational Tournament in May, where we won and the team has really grown as a unit,” Secretary of the Netball Federation of Sri Lanka (NFSL) Jayanthi Somasekaram told exclusively with

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“A special thank you to the Sports Minister Faiszer Musthapha and the Ministry of Sports for helping the Netball Federation in every way they could, as this tour financially costs a lot. Also, the Sri Lankans living in Malawi are sponsoring the team with food, accommodation and transport,” a greatly thankful Somasekaram added.


Chathurangi Jayasooriya © – Dharshika Abeywickrama – Tharjini Sivalingam – Ellilenthini Sethukavalar – Hasitha Mendis – Dulanga Dhananji – Dulangi Wannithilaka – Gayani Dissanayake – Thilini Waththegedera – Gayanjali Amarawansa – Nauchalee Rajapaksha – Sureka Gamage – Resuri Wijesundara – Ruvini Yatigammana – Shyamali Rathnayake

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