Sri Lanka Cricket set to lose its cream


It is reported that Sri Lanka may quite well lose all its top players in feud between players and authorities. 23  top players have reported refusing to sign contracts and Sri Lanka Cricket is unwilling to give in on the eve of the Bangladesh Tour.

The governing body seems adamant that they will not be held to ransom and have issued a statement to say that over 67% of their total revenue is dedicated to the players and it is not fair by the players to demand more. The contracts expired on 28th February and 60 players have refused to sign and they have been given a deadline of  8 a.m 02 March 2013.

Sri Lanka Cricket President Upali Dharmadasa is quoted saying they will not back off.  He has further stated that there will be no facilities, no practices  and coaching stuff will not be available to the players.  All the players concerned have been spoken to at a meeting  and subsequently asked them to send in their concerns in writing.  Sri Lanka Cricket seems firm in their stand and the issue will lead to a serious deadlock which will cause a massive set back in the country’s cricket.

The issue is said to have sprung up as the new contracts do not include 25% of the boards earnings from ICC events not being channeled to the players which has been the practice since 2003.  These payments are said to be in lieu of the loss players incur due to black out of their personal sponsorship at these events.  Further grouse seems to be the freezing of payments to cricketers taking part in IPL for the duration he is with IPL and the practice of allowing wives to travel on tour at SLC expense. 

The selectors have been clearly told not to consider these cricketers for selection.