SLSCA gains position in SLC executive committee


SLC held it’s Extraordinary General Meeting on Sunday, 12th May, in order to make necessary changes to the constitution of the SLC as per the requirements of the sports law of Sri Lanka.

As a result, provisions were made for an Honorary Position of an additional Vice-President of the SLC which is reserved for a nominated representative of the Schools Cricket Association of Sri Lanka.

This will be the first time in the history where the Schools Cricket Association will be a part of SLC’s executive committee.

The proposal was approved unanimously by all 67 members who attended the meeting.

Schools Cricket Hub 

Mr. Oshara Panditharatne was the nominee of the Schools Cricket Association who was approved by the house and will now be the third Vice-President of the SLC along with Mr. K. Mathivannan and Mr. Ravin Wickramaratne. Mr. Panditharatne also holds the Presidency of the Schools Cricket Association.

SLC also held its 58th AGM on the same day. The meeting adjourned temporarily, while it was decided that the certified financial reports of the year ended 2018 received from the Auditor General will be adopted at the resumption of the AGM on a notified date.

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