Royalists white wash the Thomians


The 12th edition of the Royal Thomian Basketball Encounter was worked off at the Royal Indoor Basketball Complex today. Played for the D. S Senanayake Memorial Trophy, the home team managed to brag all three titles of the matches.

The most significant win was the Under 19 game which concluded with 55 points against 41 in favor of the Royalists.

The Thomian outfit got off to an early start by winning the jump ball and converting first points through forward Adrian Gunawardene.  Shamaaz Shiraz instantly replied with a powerful break through the Thomian defense to score the first points for the home team. A few plays later Dhinara Peries managed to steal the ball off the defense to score for the visitors and gain the lead in the game for the very first time. Thereafter it seemed like quite a battle between the two number 06 players of the two teams, Adrian Gunawardene and Shamaaz Shiraz respectively. Both players were bagging back to back baskets for their respective teams, leading the total scores to 12-10 at the end of the first quarter.

With the start of the second quarter Adrian managed to score the first points for the visitors once again. Skipper and power forward Julian Gunasinghe helped the Royalists extend the lead through consecutive baskets and free throws. Tables turned when Maithree Pathirana of the Thomian team managed to score the first three pointer of the game. The visitors thereafter seemed to take control of the game with skipper Ashan Goonesinha scoring back to back baskets with a couple of free throws to help bridge the gap between the scores. He was ably assisted by forward Adrian Gunawardene in this task. Nevertheless, Royal skipper, Julian taking the initiative brought the game in to total control of the home side within minutes of play. Throughout the second quarter, both the captains had a wonderful game of basketball scoring valuable points for their teams respectively.

At Half Time scores were in favor of the Royalists-31 points to 24.

The ever-present Adrian helped with the scoring of the first points of the third quarter for the Thomians. Skipper Julian Gunasinghe again took the initiative in getting those vital early points on the board for the home team.  To his aid came center Gevindu  Gunathilake who was scoring points consecutively. The final points of the quarter came through skipper Ashan who managed to sink in his free throws to reduce the gaps in the score line. In comparison to the previous two quarters, the third quarter proved to be at a much faster pace. This certainly was the turning point in the game as the Royalists were in complete charge of the match with scores reading as 43 points to 35 against the visitors at the end of the third quarter.

Coming into the last quarter of the 12th edition of the Royal Thomian Basketball Encounter with an eight point healthy lead the Royalists by this time were in complete control. Skipper Julian led the team with the first points while Gevindu was assisting with his consecutive baskets scoring under the post. The Thomian outfit was running  all the  while with many missed opportunities lining up against them in all corners of the court. They simply couldn’t bridge the gap of the score lines with the home team running riot at the Sports Complex in Colombo 07. The visitors were restricted to a mere 06 points in the last quarter by the heavy defense of the Royalists.

At Full Time scores read in favour of the Royalists at 55 points to 41.


Best Offensive player  – Vice Captain Shamaaz Shiraz of Royal College

Best Defensive player – Captain Ashan Goonesinha  of S Thomas College

The Royal skipper Julian Gunasinghe was selected as the Most Valuable Player of the 2014 encounter.

The highest scorer for the winning team was skipper Julian who bagged 17 points while Adrian Gunawardene top scored for the visitors with 14 points.


Speaking to, victorious skipper of Royal College, Julian Gunasinghe had this to say:- “ I have never had a proud moment like this in my life. Truly blessed to be have been part of these five consecutive wins for Royal College Basketball. I know I have achieved my goal in my schooling career now….”

With this win the tally reads as 5 in favour of Royal College and 7 in favour of S. Thomas College, Mount Lavinia.

The Old Boys match played in memory of Late.Capt Janaka De Fonseka trophy was also won by Royal College, with scores reading as 62-53. Meanwhile the Under 15 match was also keenly contested leading into extra time after scores being tied at 41-41. However the Royalists managed to jump the hurdle with a 4 point win over the Thomians at the end of the extra time, with scores reading as 48-44.