Royal to apologize to Trinity


The Royal College rugby team brought disrepute upon themselves recently by reacting adversely to a Haka performed by Trinity College Kandy at the recently concluded Bradby Shield encounter.

The media together with the entire Rugby community were up in arms at the reaction where Royal charged into the Trinity half and behaved outrageously.

ThePapare learns that the Principal of Royal College, school administration, senior representatives of the Royal College Union and the Royal College Games council met to discuss the reaction of the Royal College 1st XV side, to the attempted Haka by Trinity College players.

It is reported that all present deplored the act as unacceptable. Considering many factors, they have unanimously agreed that the Royal 1st XV team should duly apologize to the Trinity team for the manner in which they reacted to the unannounced attempt by the Trinitian’s to perform a Haka.

Contrary to speculation it has been established that no prior intimation was made by Trinity to authorities at Royal even though the media had been alerted regarding the performance of the HAKA. Thus it has been deemed as a spontaneous, immature reaction by a set of rugby players warmed upto take the field to play the most important, intense game in their lives, bringing disrepute to the game and the good name of the school. Despite the heat of the few minutes preceding commencement of play, both teams dished out 80 minutes of clean rugby.

Nevertheless the authorities have taken cognizance of the fact that Royalists crossed the center line, encroached the opponent’s territory and made bodily contact which was totally uncalled for and was a serious breach of sporting conduct at the most respected and prestigious schools rugby game.

The team has accepted responsibility for their behaviour and in a gesture of good-will, on behalf of the Royal team,  Captain – Rimzie Jamaldeen,  Vice Captain – Shuayb Muthalip and Head Prefect of Royal college will head to Trinity College Kandy today to render an apology to the Trinity team.