President of Referee’s union – ‘Fed up’


The President of the Sri Lanka Society of Rugby Football Referee’s(SLSRFA) Orville Fernando has decided to step down from his position at the helm of the Referee’s Society after the current schools season.


Speaking to Orville voiced his discontent on the state of affairs that have been preceding when considering the Referee’s Society. ‘I am currently, fedup of the situation here, I have been in this situations for the past two years and have tried my best to move on.’ he said.

He also added that, ‘I have to be responsible for everything that happens, and when something goes wrong it is I who have to be answerable. Currently, there is no support for the referees society, in terms of development and other aspects as well, but everyone around is there to find fault with us.’

Orville took over as President of the Referee’s Society more than a year back from Nizam Jamaldeen and will be closing upon his second year at office.