Outcast athletes


Local athletics officials are currently ridding on the back of javelin thrower Nadeeka Lakmali’s impressive feat at the world championships but the woman thrower is among the many athletes to be robbed of their monthly stipend.


An investigation by Ceylon Today has revealed that the national athletes have not been paid their monthly allowances since February this year despite a heavy international schedule.

Sri Lanka athletes took part in two major international competitions during the last two months – the Asian Championships and the World Championships but athletics administrators turned a blind eye to the payment issue.

The Sports Ministry initiated a program to reward athletes with future medal prospects in an effort to restore the battered image, but had miserably failed to continue the program on the long run.

“We have made several inquiries about the unexpected delays, but no explanation was given,” said one athlete on the condition of anonymity for obvious reasons.

“My last payment was in February,” he added.

Sri Lankan athletes defied all odds winning three medals, two silvers and a bronze at the Asian Championships with commendable performances given the inexplicable hardships that they had to put up with under unscrupulous and ego-centric administrators.

“We depend so much on the pittance we get from the Sports Ministry to make ends meet and when they stop it suddenly we are in a real fix,” he stressed.

However, Sajith Jayalal, deputy director at the sports ministry and a coach himself said that they will make payments based on a new criterion in the near future.

“Yes, we have suspended the payments but will start paying it soon under a new performance-based system,” Jayalal claimed.

“We cannot make payments to everyone but will continue to feed them free at our hostel facility. Payments will strictly be on performance and achievement,” he continued.

According to the new performance based system, those who managed to finish within the first eight in any individual event will be eligible to receive money in addition to those with a 1050 scoring mark in the IAAF points system.

Nadeeka will be elevated to the top category following her impressive performance at the World Championship.

She became only the second Sri Lankan athlete to compete at a world championship final after Susanthika Jayasinghe