NZ Rugby’s below-85 KG team set to travel to Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Rugby


New Zealand Rugby have agreed to provide a below-85KG Rugby team to tour Sri Lanka as they aim to provide their support towards the Island Nation and its development of the Sport.

This series of two games will undoubtedly revolutionise the sport of Rugby in Sri Lanka as it opens us a new horizon and many possibilities.

Former Sri Lanka, Kandy SC and CR & FC player Inthi Marikkar has been at the fore-front, working together with New Zealand Rugby (NZR) and Sri Lanka Rugby (SLR) in getting the two associations to agree to make this happen.

>>New Zealand Under 85kg team to tour Sri Lanka<<

The first of two games will be played in Kandy on the 4th of May as the return fixture will be played on the 10th of May, 2025 in Colombo.

This provides players from the local circuit to get the experience of going head-to-head against much stronger and superior skilled players from down under.

The Sri Lankan team will have a cap for their prop forwards, as the players will have to be below 105KG’s. This limitation comes in as a measure to ensure the players safety is kept intact.

Working closely with Marikkar is the newly appointed Chairman of the National Sports Council, Priyantha Ekanayake and his thought on this was that Sri Lanka needs to prove to the world that we continue to be a safe destination for travel and this could also be the beginning of expanding Sports Tourism in the Island.