Mercantile Rugby Sevens on 10th & 11th August


The Dialog – Mercantile Rugby Sevens 2013 will only be held on 10th & 11th August 2013 at the CR & FC Grounds, taking into account the Ramadan festival which may be celebrated on the 9th of August.

Hence all matches will be worked off on 10th & 11th August starting at 8.00am on both days.

Entries are called from the Mercantile Rugby Football Association, affiliated firms and new Mercantile Firms. Closing date for entries will be Wednesday, 31st July.

Entry forms can be obtained from the following MRFA Officials: 

Shanaka Fernando, C/o Metropolitan Computers (Pvt) Ltd., 85 Braybrooke Place, Colombo-02 (Mobile 0712-302311)

Mahesh Wijenayake, C/o HNB City Office, Fort (Mobile – 0777-281071),  

Shabeer Raheem c/o NDB Bank, Town Hall, Colombo-07 (Mobile- 0773-879342)

The official draw for groupings will be held on Monday, 05th August at the CR&FC Old Pavilion at 6.00 pm.