March 2016 has been a good month for Royal,” Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe

March 2016 has been a good month for Royal,” Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe

The much-awaited Royal MAS Arena was declared open yesterday by the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe in the presence of the sole donors of the Arena, distinguished guests, past pupils and students.

The Arena which was ceremoniously declared open at 5.40 pm today is a 1 million USD investment by MAS Holdings. The modern arena is a donation made by the backbone and founders of the multimillion-apparel company, Deshamanya Mahesh Amalean, Ajay Amalean and Sharad Amalean who also happen to be products of the school down Reid Avenue.

The Principal of Royal College Mr. B.A. Abeyratne in his opening address thanked the three Amalean brothers for their generous gesture, the Royal College Union, the Sri Lanka Army who were instrumental in the construction of the sports arena, volunteers and dear old boys. He also added that “Royalists are the most luckiest to have to such generous old boys and the future of this structure are in the hands of the present and future and it is up to you dear students to look after this structure”.

“March 2016 has been a good month for Royal, we won the cricket match, and here we witnessed the opening of a great arena, what more can you ask for? Except for that one day encounter” said the old Royal premier Hon. Wikremesinghe. We have to make full use of this arena and I’m sure you will” he stated addressing the students present and future. In his words he also went on to thank the Amalean brothers as well as MAS holdings quoting the Royal anthem “you have repaid the debt you owe”.

This structure gifted to Royal College is a million dollar project, which took an approximate 5 years to be constructed. Mr. Dian Gomes was an instrumental influence on behalf of MAS Holdings when the initial approach was made by the Royal College old boys appendage; The Royal College Union which was then under the secretariat of Mr. Manju Ariyaratne. Mr. Gomes took personal interest in this project as this gave a platform for the Ried Avenue boxers. The Arena houses sports such as Boxing, Karate, Wushu, Gymnastics, Fencing, Chess and others, two sports in which Mr. Gomes had keen interests in; Boxing and Fencing.

The eldest of the brothers and Chairman of MAS Holdings, Deshamanya Mahesh Amalean said that “it gives me and my brothers great honor to give back to our dear College”. “My memories of this premises are of swings, slides and the dreaded dental” said the Alumni. He thanked the Royal College union and the administration of school for allowing them to come forward in this venture.

With an exhibition Boxing bout, Karate and Wu-shu demonstrations and a booming drum display, the Royal MAS sports arena was declared open. For generation to come, this will be a stage to platform their talents while, it will benefit not only Royalists but, for the betterment and development of sports in Sri Lanka.