Yellow tape or Sandpaper – Bancroft

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Opener Cameron Bancroft has come out in the open about his lies during the ball-tampering controversy, mentioning that he ‘panicked’ in that situation and is now ashamed of his act. After being caught on cameras while trying to change the condition of the ball, Bancroft had said – during the press conference following the third day’s play of the third Test against South Africa at Newlands – that he had used a sticky yellow tape. However, following Cricket Australia’s investigations, it was revealed that Bancroft had indeed used a sandpaper as was assumed earlier.

“I lied, I lied about the sandpaper. I panicked in that situation and I am very sorry. This is something I am very ashamed of, and I’m very sorry,” Bancroft told reporters upon his arrival in Perth on Thursday (March 29).

“I’ve had time to reflect on the events in Cape Town and the punishments handed down to me by ICC and CA. I want to say I am very sorry. I love the game of cricket. I am extremely disappointed and regret my actions. I am sorry to the people I have disappointed around the world, especially the kids. I understand I have let the people down and the broader community. Words don’t mean much in such situations, so I will focus on my actions going forward. I will regret this all my life. All I can do in the short term is to ask for forgiveness,” said a remorseful Bancroft while reading out a statement.

“It’s been so obvious to see how important the game of cricket is to Australia and the public. It’s been a big wake up call to myself for what that means and how amazing an opportunity it is to wear the baggy green cap. I’m aware that I have let everyone down in Australia, and it will take time to earn their respect back. The thing that breaks my heart is that I have given up my spot in the team to someone else for free. I’ve worked so hard to get here and it’s devastating for me that I have given my spot to someone else for free. I have to work hard again to get back,” added the 25-year-old, who has been banned from playing international and state cricket for a period of nine months.

Bancroft also said he is yet to arrive upon a decision whether to appeal against the sanction handed by Cricket Australia, which found him guilty on five counts, including being party to the plan, and carrying out the instructions on altering the ball. “At the moment, I have received the paperwork for my sanction, and I respect the process that comes with that. I will work with my manager and move forward with that,” Bancroft said.