Lanka Challenge 2013 – The Tuk Tuk Rally continues


Large Minority in partnership with Connaissance de Ceylan and the Sri Lanka Ministry of Economic Development, announced the 5th edition of the Lanka Challenge, a 12 day rickshaw adventure taking place in Sri Lanka from 7th to 18th September 2013.

Large Minority is an Experiential Travel Operator offering responsible travel experiences in Sri Lanka, Colombia and Cambodia.

Intrepid travelers from all over the world will once again traverse the spicy island of Sri Lanka in one of the funkiest modes of transport invented by man – humble tuk-tuk. The three wheeler adventure is scheduled to explore the Northern Province of the country. Participants can expect even more remote, scenic and challenging roads and funds will be allocated to local charity projects and environment organisations.

Julian Carnall and Juan Paredes conceived and organizes the event while SriLankan Airlines will be the main sponsor and Connaissance de Ceylan as official travel partner. The organizes are expecting about 16 teams along with 35 international participants.

Juan Paredes, Organizer Lanka Challenge added at the media briefing saying “last year we collected over USD 8,000 which we used for different charitable projects including donating valuable medical equipment to the Jaffna region and planting more than 200 indigenous trees to offset our Carbon emissions. In 2013 we intend to raise a very similar amount and touch with many more lives through our sustainable initiatives”