Ladies’ set to splash December with “Dancing through The Decades”


After the grand success  of “So This Is Christmas” in December 2011, the Synchronized Swimming team of Ladies’ College splashes the pool this year with ” Dancing Through The Decades”.

This year the water ballet is a grateful dedication by the team and their to the outgoing principal, Mrs. Nirmali Wickremesinghe, who has constantly been supporting the team for the last ten years. 

Synchronized swimming is a combination of swimming,dance and gymnastics. It is a tough task that requires stamina, strength,breath control and a lot of effort. In spite of these challenges the performers are supposed to be rhythmic, delicate and balletic.

Sonali Ratwatta – Coach of the Synchronized Swimming team has been the back bone of the team. After her arrival in 2004, the team has achieved considerable amount of victories, high standards and much recognition and this end of year show gathered momentum with each passing year. She has been both the choreographer and producer of “So This Is Christmas”. As a victorious Synchronized swimmer who has won prizes in school level and national level under her coach Mrs.Julienne Dias Bandaranaike, she has been guiding the team with much determination together with the team’s Captain -Sanjulie Wickramage and Vice Captain- Avani Wannakuwatte .”This-the concert- is a great opportunity for our students to gain experience” she says. Her concern as the choreographer for “Dancing Through The Decades” does not stop with the movement itself, she is totally involved in every single detail, from the initial diving to the last sequin in the costumes.

The lack of support for synchronized swimming in Sri Lanka has created much competition among the schools which offer the sport. But still Ladies’ College has managed to retain their position as one of the leading schools after their victory as over-all champions at the at the National Age Group Synchronized Swimming Championships 2013. It was more than a win for Ladies’ College since the authorities selected four students from the team to represent Sri Lanka at the Hong Kong Synchronized Swimming Championships.

Shiyanka De Silva, Amrita Perera,Damisha Dassanayake and Sanjule Wickramage not only made exceptional performances but also notched up remarkable achievements. Amrita Perera was placed 3rd in the under 15 solo category and the duet category along with Damisha Dassanayake.

“Dancing Through The Decades” as the name suggests comprises group, duet and solo performances for numerous pieces including oldies,rock and roll and modern numbers. Approximately 50 girls from an age range of 09-19 are performing together with the ensemble cast. This astounding water ballet will be performed for blended tunes of the last decade such as “Man In The Mirror” by Micheal Jackson, “The Nutcracker- A Christmas Carol” and “An Abba Medley.

The show will be performed on the 12th,13th and 14th of December starting at 7.00 pm at Ladies’ College. Tickets are priced at Rs.1200, Rs.1000, Rs.750, Rs.400 and are available at the school office. Audience would be able to witness graceful ballet with pointed toes, somersaults, flamingos and complex formations. “After the tremendous positive response for “So This Is Christmas” which was presented for two days, we decided to perform this time for three days.” says Sonali with a confident smile.

This exhibition by Ladies College has escalated itself to a much looked forward to event in the sporting calendar and invites you to witness the glorious spectacle.