Kingswood declines to play in the ‘A’ Division


Kingswood college known as the pioneer in schools rugby has not been that colourful for the last two years. They ended up winning just two matches in 2015, and 2016 turned out to be one the worst seasons Kingswood havehad in their rugby history,

SLSRFA made a controversial decision taking up the appeal made by D.S Senanayake College  Colombo letting them play in the A” division thus opening  a chance  for Kingswood to play in the A division with just 48 hours to kick-off the Schools’ rugby league 2017.

Kingswood declined the opportunity given to them because of many reasons.The president of the Old Kingswoodians Rugby club Mr.Lasitha Atapaththu speaking to stated that they step back in taking the opportunity given by the schools union due to many reasons.

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In a bizarre turn of events, the Sri Lanka Schools’ Rugby Football Association has made yet another controversial decision to…

He stated that they were aiming at the 2018 rugby league. By moulding a very tender team which also includes the players who won the Under 18 championship in 2016 with ample hope. Even more  importantly the budgets were set with the plan to play in the B’ division. When we look back at under-performing Kingswood Rugby, he stated its best they come up from the bottom ironing out their mistakes.

Also he stated the mindset of the boys was to play in the B’ Division, and a sudden switch  to play ‘A” division will not make them too comfortable.

On behalf of the administration he stated that it would be beneficial for them to come from the bottom which also happened 17 years ago where Kingswood came up by winning the B’Division title to beat all the schools and take the Knockouts home in 2003.

So Kingswood will play against Maliyadewa College Kurunagala on the 25th of February as scheduled at Pallekale.