Harden will have to deliver again to keep Rockets alive


HOUSTON — If James Harden needed 45 points to beat a team shell-shocked over the nasty spill by Stephen Curry, what might it take to beat the Warriors on their floor with a relieved and no doubt fan-fueled Curry who’ll be determined to make a comeback?

Such is the challenge for Harden and the Rockets come Wednesday when the MVP runner-up must once again be the most dynamic player on the floor in the Western Conference finals, and this time, not by default. As brilliant as Harden was in Game 4 when he rescued the Rockets from being swept from the playoffs and bought them another game, he was upstaged by the MVP winner who silenced the pro-Rockets crowd although, this time, not with a killer 3-pointer.


“I think this game was good for him.” 

– Dwight Howard on James Harden in Game 4


Before the Toyota Center paid homage to Harden’s best game of the playoffs, the building respectfully waited for Curry to rise off the floor. After being pump-faked by Trevor Ariza and landing on his head and shoulder, Curry lay motionless for a few minutes. The only voices he heard were from the Warriors trainer and team doctor because the fans suddenly and collectively and rightfully developed laryngitis.

When Curry finally walked gingerly toward the locker room, Rockets fans stood and cheered loudly, in a show of class. And if you thought that was a warm and sympathetic reception for Curry, wait until you see and hear what’s coming his way in Game 5 at Oracle Arena.

You see, that’s the brick wall that Harden will be up against. He must upstage a Warriors hero who’ll generate noise, first from the stands and then — assuming he has no lingering side effects — from his shooting touch. It’s all a set-up, or so it seems, with Curry healthy and motivated, the Warriors playing in a place where they’re nearly unbeatable and the Rockets needing nothing less than another blistering game from Harden to even have a chance.

But … suppose Harden delivers? What then?

“We’re going to need him to be big next game, continue to do what he’s been doing,” said Dwight Howard. “Just attacking the basket, shooting well from three, and playing with a lot of confidence.”

Howard added: “I think this game was good for him.”

Stringing together a pair of great games would give the Rockets the chance they’ll need and erase the stench of Harden’s Game 3. He shot only 3-for-16 and was badly outplayed by Curry and no surprise, the Rockets were wiped out. And then in an otherwise terrific Game 2, Harden fumbled badly in the final frantic seconds when he passed up a shot, then threw a pass to Howard, then lost the ball when Howard threw it back. It was like painting a perfect picture, then accidentally spilling wine on it after a raising a toast.

Had Harden taken a step-back 3 in that game, and not played so poorly the next, the series could be 2-2 at least, instead of Houston facing elimination. That’s not totally blaming Harden, just stating the obvious: Only the Cavaliers place more weight on one player than the Rockets do on Harden, which means they’re more likely to survive when he thrives, and die when he can’t make enough shots.

“That’s how it always is,” he said. “I always want to take it out on my opponent in a good way. Just being aggressive, taking shots, getting to the basket, not really forcing anything and allowing the game to come to me.”

Harden craved this role when he, in a sense, forced his way out of Oklahoma City and away from Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant by asking for max money. Taking less and staying with the Thunder would’ve provided Harden with a sense of comfort, knowing that Durant and Westbrook would always be 1-2. That’s not how he wanted to live his basketball life and spend his career. He adopted the nothing-ventured-nothing-gained approach and took a chance. Remember, this was in 2013, before the Rockets got Howard. Harden’s shotgun buddy was Jeremy Lin.

Quickly and confidently, he thrived in the solo-star role and more importantly, loved it. Harden had the ball and most of the play calls and all of the responsibility that goes with being a franchise player. Some players shrink in that situation, and others would simply not deal with it. Given a taste of it, Harden believes it fits him better than a bushy beard.

The ultimate sign of respect for Harden happened when Howard, as a free agent, chose Harden over Kobe Bryant. Maybe that says a bit about Howard and his unwillingness to put up with a maniac like Kobe, but also about Harden.


Harden came into these playoffs as a star player but not exactly one with a rosy playoff history. He disappeared during great stretches in the 2012 NBA Finals against the Heat, and then last season in the Rockets’ first-round loss to the Blazers. Even though Harden averaged 27.4 points and six assists during this regular season and pushed Curry for the MVP, his reputation was on the line when the playoffs began.


“I always want to take it out on my opponent in a good way.”

– Rockets’ James Harden

And then: He scored 42 points against the Mavericks in the first round, then 31 in the series-clinching win over the Clippers, and against the Warriors was a big factor in the first two games for all but the final eight seconds.

Truthfully, until Game 4, Harden was clearly outplayed by Curry. If this series was a referendum on who was really the most “valuable” player in the Western playoffs, Harden once again found him in the runner-up spot, behind a familiar player.

That pattern changed abruptly on Monday, partially because Curry fell and the Warriors organization temporarily lost its mind. While Curry was busy passing concussion tests and then returning to the game not quite 100 percent, Harden was ripping through the Golden State defense, wearing out a path to the free-throw line and dropping 3s. Quite different than a game ago when he only managed 17 points, his lowest of the postseason.

“He was extremely unhappy and took it out on them, but that’s what you’ve got to do,” Rockets coach Kevin McHale said. “It doesn’t do any good to take it out on your trainer and teammates and coach. You take it out on the other team. He went out and played a hell of a game.”

He’ll need another like it Wednesday and he’ll need it in a noisy enemy building that’s prepping for a celebration. It’s been 40 years since the Warriors went to the NBA Finals and come gametime will be 48 hours since Curry caused hearts to stop in Oakland. Those are two good reasons to like the Warriors and their odds of moving on.

There’s only one good reason to think this series is heading back to Houston, and only if James Harden provides it.