Five Hybrid sports – next Olympics?


If you could combine two or more sports or a sport with any other activity what would it be? Have you ever thought of making a new sport or rather a combination of two sports?

If so this is for you, the biggest question you might have is whether people will actually play it with you? Well, think again although the sports featured here are not seen in the Olympics, they might surely be in the near future to come.

Most of you have heard or seen the sport Quidditch introduced firstly in the book Harry potter and further adapted to the movie sequels Harry potter and Internship; and you might not know that this is an actual sport where competitors (known as muggles) hold a broomstick between their legs and attempt to hurl balls through round loops much like scoring a goal in football or hockey, of course minus the flying and the magic.

This is a widely accepted sport and is now played in most of the schools, colleges and even universities all around the world.

If Quidditch sounded silly or absurd to be an actual sport you haven’t seen anything yet. These are very real and some of them even host international competitions which competitors take very seriously and participate with much enthusiasm. 

Here’s the list of the weirdest combinations of hybrid sports ranging from using   your pets, household ironing boards and even giant pumpkins as tools to play with.

1.       Mud-pit belly flop

Originally started in Georgia this sport as its name suggests is an activity frankly involving mud and people jumping in to it belly on. Invented as a part of redneck games as a promotional event for Olympics 1996 held in Atlanta; it got its fame all around the world due to the excitement that competitors got by jumping in to mud as well as the excitement the spectators get by simply enjoying watching it.

 Although, you might not want to try this  there are a lot of people who would want to, and that might be one of the main reasons why it is getting all this attention even only after 14 years of existence.


2.       Chess- Boxing

As the name suggests this sport both involves chess and also boxing as if to say “Strength is not enough, you got to have brains as well”

It involves players alternating from having an intense boxing match to mind-wrenching chess matches. A single Chess-Boxing match can go up to 11 or more rounds and the winner is decided by either knockout or check-mate. This does sound interesting but the practicality of it is quite questionable.


3.       Under water hockey

Just as the name suggests this sport is a conjunction between Hockey and diving it is played in a pool where players use much smaller hockey sticks (the size of their hands) to guide the puck with.

This is a widely spread sport throughout the world and very is very much accepted as an actual sporting event. Although it may seem bizarre to play hockey under water, due to its widespread success this can actually be a candidate for future Olympic Games.

“Giving up doesn’t mean that you are weak it means that you are strong to let go”

As for ground hockey where a player can have the puck with him/her as long as an opponent doesn’t take it away or until they score a goal, Under water hockey limits that ability since players have to come up for air and engage in the sport again.


4.       Dog surfing

Although this may seem a little wrong for animal activists, this is a sport designed to enhance the relationship between man and his best friend. This is considered more of a leisure activity rather than a sport. And does not cause any harm to the pets involved. In fact they as well as their owner enjoy it very much.

The owner surfs with the pet (usually dogs) whereas the pet gets one of the the most unique and thrilling rides of his/her life.

And last but not least we have Extreme Ironing as if at these conditions a ruffled dress or shirt is your only problem.


5.       Extreme Ironing

As the name suggests, this is an interesting sport where the creators have incorporated a boring household chore with extreme environmental conditions to make it more interesting for the competitors and even give the spectators suspense about what’s going to happen next.

This sport doesn’t involve any skills except for the usual ironing skills and the ability to endure extreme conditions while doing so.

From the above unique line up the underwater hockey seems the most physically challenging.  As exhausting hockey is above water; the players have to exert themselves more when playing under water.


What is your favorite out of the above hybrid sports?

Which one out of those would you like to see in the next Olympics?

Then again, this is not an exhaustive list there are so many hybrid, unique sports that people play all around the world. There are new sports being invented such as under water rugby and so on and so forth every day by individuals wanting that extra excitement a sport can offer. Therefore, the next time you come up with an idea for new sports don’t be hesitant try it out; you never know yours might be the next sport that will be featured in the Olympic Games.