Fernando throws down the gauntlet


The National Olympic Committee (NOC) chief Hemasiri Fernando yesterday launched a scathing attack on the Sports Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage and said that the regulations to the Sports Law issued this year were restrictive and detrimental to the independence of sports bodies.

Issuing a statement just hours before Sports Ministry meets International Olympic Committee (IOC) officials, Fernando said that the regulations introduced greatly interfere with the autonomy of the national sports associations that are voluntary, none profit and self financing.

The sports ministry officials are scheduled to meet the IOC officials in Lausanne, Switzerland today, following a request by the IOC.

“Out of those regulations issued this year we have identified 24 regulations that infringe the independence of the national sports associations. We have duly informed the IOC of these regulations and the threats they offer to the autonomy of sports bodies including NOC,” Fernando wrote in an eight-page media release issued yesterday.

The IOC issuing two separate warnings demanded that sports ministry should urgently review the current sports regulations to make it compatible with the basic principles that govern the Olympic Movement.

The letter issued by IOC on November 16 also said that the IOC is of the view that the situation has deteriorated and external pressure and interference is being exercised upon the national sports federations and the NOC of Sri Lanka.

Giving specific instance of alleged interferences in sports administration, Fernando charged it was his responsibility as president of the NOC, to inform the IOC of the detrimental regulations to safeguard and protect the independence of sports associations.

“There’s no conspiracy here and were not trying to discredit the country but to safeguard the interest of the Olympic Movement which governs the NOC and their member associations. The ministry in a statement issued last week shamelessly attempted to portrait me as a traitor, someone who has discredited the country, but I have only spoken of nothing but interference,” the statement said.

The sports ministry has denied any form of interference but instances of such interference are well documented. Fernando said that the ministry interfered with the election of office bearers to the Sri Lanka Badminton Association as well as the Handball Association. It has also dissolved four other associations and appointed interim committees to run them.

Fernando also said that the NOC and its constitutive members have their own status, and whose existence is derived primarily from recognition by the International Olympic Committee through its numerous affiliated International Federations. They are not government entities, but are governed by the voluntary efforts and funds obtained by their membership. Therefore the Sports Ministry should not have the jurisdiction to intervene in their election processes, appointments of members and to determine their internal rules and operations or to approve their constitutions.

The statement also said that through a statement issued last week the Ministry of Sports attempts take the credit for the building of the NOC headquarters at a cost of Rs. 200 million.

“The land was given by the government thanks to the then Sports Minister Jeevan Kumaratunga and the ministry of sports provided only Rs. 30 million for the project while IOC provided Rs. 130 million,” Fernando said.

Contrary to the sports ministry’s allegation, the NOC accounts are audited regularly, the letter states.

“When I came here the NOC had only Rs. 16,000. After 16 years I’m leaving behind a headquarters worth 200 million rupees and 50 million in fixed deposits,” Fernando confirmed.