Dialog Foundation Launches ‘Rally to Care’ to Aid Those Affected by the tragic incidents of 21st April 2019

    Dialog Foundation Launches

    The devastating incidents that occurred on 21st April 2019 made an impact on all our lives, and our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected.

    ‘Dialog Foundation’, a charitable trust under the aegis of Dialog Axiata PLC, has embarked on a mission to bring relief to victims via immediate term outpatient support for victims of physical disability and trauma, long-term education support to over 500 children and psychosocial rehabilitation for over 250 affected families, with Dialog pledging to double all donations up to Rs. 100 million.

    Dialog invites you to join this relief campaign and show your support towards uplifting our fellow citizens in this time of need.

    We invite you to direct your donations to:

    • Online via https://www.dialog.lk/donate/
    • USSD: Dial #7700#
    • Top-up: 0766 421421 (any amount)
    • SMS: Type DON & SMS to 7700 to donate Rs. 100/- (multiple donations can be made)
    • Star Points: Dial #141*5*7#
    • The Genie app
    • The eZ Cash app