CR lodges complaint against Rankothge

220 learns that CR&FC have lodged an official complaint to the Sri Lanka Rugby Football Union (SLRFU) against referee Aruna Rankothge and the team of referees citing the try allegedly awarded to Navy SC unlawful.


The incident took place in their Dialog Rugby League Fixture on the 21st December 2013 at CR & FC grounds.

Given below are the extracts…

1.       Wrongful Award of Try at 5.14pm 

1.1.   Navy player was charging a kick with three CR defenders running back. CR defender fell on the ball which was deemed a knock on by the referee. The whistle was blown immediately to stop play and nearly five seconds later Navy winger touched down in goal. 

1.2.   The referee blew his whistle to stop play in accordance with law 6.A.7 which states that the referee can stop play at any time. He did so to signal an infringement and award a scrum to Navy.

1.3.   The referee was then approached by the touch judge – who had not raised his flag – and after a consultation the ‘try’ was awarded.

1.4.   Play had been stopped according to IRB Law 6.A.7(b) and (d). There is no provision in the law to award a ‘try’ which has been ‘scored’ while play was stopped. The award of the try was illegal and should be rescinded, and 7 points deducted from the Navy team.

2.       Wrongful Consultation with Assistant Referee and Wrongful Alteration of Decision

2.1.   It is clear that the consultation with AR1 at the time of awarding the so-called try was improper as there was no ‘foul play’ committed in the act, or prior to scoring vide Law 6.A.6 (a).

2.2.   Since there is no TMO, law 6.A.6(b) does not apply. 

2.3.   The AR had no jurisdiction to comment on the play. The video evidence also suggests that AR1 may not have heard the whistle being blown for the stoppage in play. 

2.4.   The referee had clearly blown his whistle to stop play for an infringement. This decision was altered by the Referee after the discussion with AR1.

2.5.   Law 6.A.5 provides two specific instances where a decision may be altered and none of those instances applied for the referee to alter his decision. 

The letter further states ‘in these circumstances it is our position that the alteration of the referee’s decision is illegal, not within the laws of the game and should be rescinded as it had a result changing effect”

The CR & FC have requested that the try awarded be reversed or 7 points deducted from the Navy SC score. They also see an immediate suspension of the entire team of match officials from officiating games in the A Division League, particularly games concerning the CR&FC. 

Speaking to ThePapare.Com Mr. Rohan Gunaratane (SLRFU) explained that an inquiry for the referee will be held on the 30th of December 2013. 

However, he also reiterated that the results and scores of the game will stand as per the rules of the International Rugby Board (IRB).