Been there, done that. ; time to give something back…..


Hailing from the formidable ranks of Isipathana college Rizah Mubarak has reached the apex of the Sri Lankan rugby arena over his illustrious sporting career and has become a household name.

Renowned for his reliable boot and the “safest hands in the business”  Rizah having completed his second level in the IRB coaching has now set his sights beyond the uprights to take on the Royal College Rugby team as coach for the backs.  ThePapare managed to share some thoughts with Rizah regarding his shift.

TP: So why the sudden interest in coaching?

“I have achieved  a lot over my eight years in the game. And rugby has given me everything” said Rizah with a reverence and passion seldom heard. “so  it’s time to give something back. Though the popularity of Rugby is shooting through the roof the quality of the game played however is not experiencing the same effect. We as players should make a move towards not only promoting the sport but improving the quality and standard of the game”

TP: Why join the coaching staff of Royal college? Why not your alma mater?

“I contacted the officials at Isipathana college but I did not get a favorable reply. In the meantime Royal college came up with the offer of undertaking its back divisions. And I accepted”

TP: What aspects of Rroyal rugby do you hope to improve or change?

“Over the years Royal ‘s game has been focused on forwards play and set pieces despite having some formidable back divisions in the past. I hope to specialize the backs in their respective roles and tasks and make room for an overall well-rounded unit.

TP: What is your plan for the preparation to face the upcoming season ?

“BASICS!  Mastering the fundamentals has to be the first order of business. There onwards things will start falling into place and also most of the under eighteen players are going through their ordinary levels so I don’t want to tax their education too much. So yes things will take off in time”

TP: As a coach what is it that you bring to the table? What do you have up your sleeve that others don’t ?

“Well mostly my first hand practical knowledge and experience” said Rizah briefly capturing the essence of his stance as a coach. “ I can also help the kickers perfect their game, there’s that too. As long as the players are disciplined, punctual and motivated enough to go about their business anything possible”

TP:  Do you plan on remaining with the Royal college over the long term?

“Well if everything goes well, the players and the people like me then yes” Rizah added jovially.

Schools rugby fans can now expect the blue and gold backline to come in to the next season blazing a trail with some new found vigor and dazzling the crowd and critics alike not to mention complimenting their signature forwards “grind”  under the guidance of Rizah Mubarak who will undoubtedly pass on the secrets of the trade. thanks Rizah for his time and wishes him well in his venture.