Antonians hand over donations to Science player

Antonians hand over donations to Science player

The alumni of St. Anthony’s College who rose to the need of the injured Science College player Santhush Ayeshmantha handed over the collected funds to the parents of the child at the Science College premises yesterday (5th).

The incident that occurred in the match involving St. Anthony’s and Science saw Science College player Santhush Ayeshmantha hospitalized after a collision. The 17-year-old player had to be kept under strict observation.

Read: Science’s Santhush Ayeshmantha recovering after blow

The player who was receiving the treatment at the Kandy General Hospital was lent a hand by the generous Antonians who saw to the needs of Santhush as well as to the welfare of his family.

The Antonian fraternity continued their support and went on to aid the player financially as they accumulated a total of over 600,000/= rupees over the course of three days. The funds were contributed by numerous old boys living in Sri Lanka as well as overseas.

Read More: Generous gesture by the Antonians to Science College

Moreover, the Antonians pledged their continuous support to the young player till the completion of his schooling. The cheque was handed over to the mother of Santhush in the presence of the Science College Principal Susantha Mendis.

Speaking to ThePapare, the Science College principal praised the exemplary act by the Antonians and added that this was the first ever occasion that such a gesture has taken place.

“I have been involved in the school’s rugby system for nearly 15 years, and this is the first time such a wonderful gesture has taken place. “

“The parents were demotivated this year to send their children to play rugby but with this action, I think the minds of the parents will change”

The principal also took the opportunity to thank the respective Antonian old boys for coming together for this cause and added that Science College is in debt to them for this generous action.