AA to hold first selection trial for the Asian Championship

Athletic trials 2017

The Athletic Association of Sri Lanka (AASL) will be holding its first round of trials on the 8th and 9th of April at the Diyagama Mahinda Rajapakse International Stadium and will provide an opportunity for the local athletes to qualify for the Asian Athletic Championship which will be held in India from the 6th to the 9th of July. The second selection trails will be held on the 03rd & 04th of May for selected athletes.

The Indian city of Ranchi was to host the championship but the Asian governing body has announced that the host city will be changed to Bhubaneswar in Odisha. The Biannual tournament is one of the most looked forward to events of the Asian athlete’s calendar and will be keenly contested by national talent from the 45 member countries.

A number of Sri Lankan athletes will be taking part in foreign competitions in the run up to the Asian Athletic Championship in India; four athletes took part in the Brunei open which yielded 5 gold medals and a bronze while three athletes are currently taking part in the Australian Open. A team of 12 ace Sri Lankan Athletes will be taking part in the three legged Asian Grand Prix which is thought to be an ideal run up to the much looked forward to biannual championship.