A Masterclass in Sports Management


The inaugural Deakin Week in Colombo 2014 is an ambitious program of events and engagements showcasing Deakin University’s unique connection with Sri Lanka. The six day program reflects the depth of partnerships across Deakin’s faculties touching the Sri Lankan education sector, government and industry.

As part of this week, Dr Adam Karg, Deakin University Lecturer will present a Masterclass in Sport Management workshop on Tuesday 8 July comprising four sessions spanning areas of organisation, management, marketing and education within the sport  industry.

The session will look at the following:

A Modern Sport Economy – Structure and Systems in Sport Delivery

New Approaches to Sport Marketing

Sport Management Education and Leadership

Concluding discussion on industry challenges

Designed to involve participants and integrate leading Australian and global cases, the workshop presents and reflects on approaches to develop and support sport systems and discusses challenges for managers and stakeholders of professional and grass-root sport organisations.

The session is free to members of the sport industry, but spaces are limited. If you are interesting in attending the session, you can enquire about availability at :[email protected]

Adam’s Profile

Dr Adam Karg, PhD, is a Lecturer in the Sport Management Program at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Sport Marketing, Sport Promotions and Public Relations, Sport Broadcasting and Sport Organisation, and is the recipient of Teaching and Learning awards at Deakin University. Adam has been engaged in a wide range of consulting and research activities with national and state governing bodies, sport technology start-ups and more than 35 professional sport teams and leagues across AFL, Rugby, Football, Cricket, Basketball and Netball in Australia and overseas. This work has looked at developing and retaining fan and season ticket holder bases, market estimation and strategic planning, fan development and segmentation and building engagement and satisfaction with team and league services.  Adam has published articles in ranked peer-reviewed sport management and marketing journals and is a co-author of the Australasian region’s leading Sport Marketing textbook “Strategic Sport Marketing” (4th edition). He has presented research at national and international marketing and sport management conferences in Australia, New Zealand, North America and Europe and in 2012 was elected to the board of the Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand.