Dialog & SLRFU Felicitate the Tuskers


The national rugby team’s sponsors Dialog Axiata together with the SLRFU held a felicitation ceremony for the Tuskers, who became the Asian Rugby Champions (ARC) Division one, in Bulacan, Philippines.

Sri Lanka previously won this category in 2010 and 2013, however, it was pretty convincing wins this time around as the Tuskers beat Kazakhstan 35 – 15 and the hosts Philippines in the finals 27 – 14.

Captain Fazil Marija handed over the trophy to Hon. Minister of Sports, Naveen Dissanayaka. Hon. Minister stated that these boys brought a great honour to our country. “I had a chance to meet them before they departed to Philippines, and it was great to see this team come with the title”. Minister also stated that the passion and value of rugby is understood and it should also infiltrate to the rural areas and spread throughout the country.

He also added his thanks to the SLRFU administration and the selectors who conducted an independent selection. “As a sports ministry we will not interfere with any decisions taken by the relevant parties and we trust and respect those decisions and will fully support it”

The Hon Minister also went on to thank the sponsors Dialog Axiata for its support to keep the sports in the country alive.

President of SLRFU Mr. Asanga Senavirathne addressed the gathering, “We were without nine senior players and it was a great achievement by Marija and his boys, it is always tough when we play away, and we did it in 2010 under Johan Taylor the same coach in Singapore”. Also “our ranking has gone up from 47th in the world to 38th after this win”  Mr. Senavirathne continued saying that “now we need to make a four year strategic plan with Johan Taylor the coach and we have to look in to build a scientific training center not only for rugby but for all the sports”

On the topic of rugby spreading through the country Mr Senevirathne went on to lay down the example of the tournament’s most valuable player Dhanushka Ranjan coming through such a system.

“We will not challenge Hong Kong who rank (3) in Asia currently {(29) in the world}, this year as we lost to them heavily last year in Sri Lanka, therefore, we have planned to get more international exposure and we are trying to make a possible friendly fixture against Portugal (24) and Switzerland (39) later this year or Germany (28) and Spain (20)”. Sri Lanka need these exposure playing against big men and before the next years’ ARC. Next Sri Lanka will be playing a friendly against Waikato Chiefs development team and Hong Kong in Hong Kong.

Captain Marija also made the podium, firstly thanking the Hon. Minister for taking time out of his busy schedule to meet the team before the departure. He also thanked the legendary cricketer Mahela Jayawardene who took part in a motivation session with the Tuskers. Skipper also thanked Dialog Axiata as the sponsor and the SLRFU administration & the selectors. “I think this time we had a fair selection we had so much competition for whom to play at wing or full back, I think that is a good thing for future of Sri Lanka rugby”.

Marija jogged through the start of his career with a witty anecdote delivered most modestly.  He recalled how the New Zealand coaching legend George Simpkin picked him when he was 17 years old and how the fly half at the time was his cousin who simply stopped playing thereafter. Sri Lanka Rugby’s golden boy also said “I think, we as players need more international experience, I spent 3 months with Roshan Weerarathne in New Zealand, and their system is utterly different as we all know, even me and Roshan could have contracted to play in ITM cup.” So certainly we have the talent but if the sports ministry and the SLRFU can help us to get more training in New Zealand or South Africa would be great for the future of rugby.”

The national heroes were felicitated with medals and mementos by the dignitaries which included the Hon Minister of Sport and Tourism Navin Dissanayake, Dialog Axiata’s Group Chief Executive Dr Hans Wijayasuriya and representatives of the SLRFU.