“I am going to forward this to the CID” – Hon. Minister Navin Dissanayake


A media briefing was held today at the Ministry of Sports by the Hon. Minister of Sports and Tourism Mr. Navin Dissanayake as he presented the report of the three member committee appointed to look into the alleged irregularities taken place in the ministries before the election of the new government.

Commencing the procedures of the press briefing Minister first explained the background and about the appointment of the committee. On the 02nd of February 2015 a committee was appointed in order to find facts about the alleged irregularities that took place with in the span of the last five years  with a directive to submit a report  before the 30th March 2015. The members of the appointed committee were; Mr. Dharmasena Dissanyake, Mr. N Padmanadan and Mr. Ruzli Hussain.

Since it is not practically possible to find facts about the eleven institutions under the Ministry of Sports of the last five years with in seven weeks; the committee came to a decision as to let the public forward their complains on irregularities. After that process a report which includes eighteen irregularities that happened within the last five years was put together into a report and was handed over to the minister and the prime-minister on the 24th of April 2015.

The fact-finding report was officially handed over to the media by the minister

The main two facts highlighted on the fact finding committee report is the irregularities caused during the construction of the running track of Sugathadasa Stadium and the issue of the cricket broadcasting rights of CSN.

In accordance with the report of the fact finding committee the 108 million that was spent on the construction of the track has been nothing but a waste of money due to poor call of tenders and failing to hand the job over to the suitable contractors and as of today no proper action has been taken on this matter. Stating furthermore; a sum of 5,270,288 LKR has been estimated for the project but the areas highlighted on the project proposal are not related to the construction of the track. Yet, working outside the tender process these contacts have been given away to a company by the name of “Gahakola Landsacaping”.

Addressing the issue of the broadcasting rights of cricket in Sri Lanka, the report states that Sri Lanka Cricket has acted on its own without considering the consent of the cabinet, working outside the normal tender procedure has granted the broadcasting rights for three years to CSN.

Those two being the most important out of the irregularities stated on the reports, it also points facts about the financial crimes of the National Football Federation, National Table-Tennis Association and irregularities of the Sports Development Department. The report also deemed 40,000 euros that was donated by Italy has been misused by the National Football Federation and also a sum of 60,000 USD that was received in order to conduct the Asian Football Championship has not been allocated as planned.     

Minister furthermore stated that this only a fact finding committee and the necessary action will be taken by the in accordance with the Sri Lanka Law.

In order to continue the investigation this report will be submitted to the Financial Crimes Unit, CID and the Attorney Generals Department of Sri Lanka.

While some media commended the actions of the Hon Minister, they raised the issue that several such fact-finding reports have previously been thrown away without an investigation.  The Minster promised that he will hand over the report to the necessary institutions and will follow up on their work of the investigation. Great words, great phrases are spoken; the Minister`s words are appreciated, applauded and respected. Will there be action is left to be seen.