Minister of Tourism and Sports appoints the National Sports Council


Under the terms of the Section 4 (2) of the Sports Law No. 25 of 1973 (as amended) and regulations made there under the Minister of Tourism and Sports Navin Dissanayake has appointed Members of the National Sports Council to advise the Minister on matters pertaining to development of sports for a period of three years (2015/2017)


 Accordingly, Mr. Nimal Lewke has been appointed as the Chairman of the National Sports Council, while Shantha Weerasinghe has been appointed as the Secretary. 

Other members are : 

1.      Director General, Department of Sports Development

2.      Mr. S Wirithamulla

3.      Mr. Sidath Wetthamuni

4.      Mr. N. Selvakumaran

5.      Prof. Arjuna De Silva

6.      Mrs. Caryll Tozer

7.      Mr. B.L.H Perera

8.      Mr. Sunil Gunawardena  

9.      Mrs. Susanthika Jayasinghe

10.  Mr. Julian Bolling

11.   Mr. B.A Abeyratne (Ministry of Education)