Sri Lanka Anti-doping agency launches its official website


Anti-doping is definitely an important aspect in the sporting franchise all over the present world. Sri Lanka experienced a major lapse in this aspect of sports as a dedicated independent agency was not established in the country some-time back to help the awareness among the sportsmen and women.

After considering the requirements of a significant authority for this need, the Sports Ministry of Sri Lanka took the necessary steps in order to form an independent agency for this purpose by the name of Sri Lanka Anti-doping Agency. 

Sri Lanka Anti-doping Agency (SLADA) marking their first year anniversary launched their official website on Wednesday, 24th of December 2014 at the Sports Ministry Auditorium. Parallel to the event, a press briefing was held and the head table consisted of Dr. Upali Banagala, Mr.Panduka Keerthinanda, Dr.Seevali Jayawickama, Prof. Arjun De Silva, Hon. Minister of Sports Mr. Mahindanda Aluthgamage, Mr. S.E.R.T.M Bandara, Mrs. Ranjani Jayakody and Mr. Sajith Jayalal.

Dr. Seevali Jayawickrama, Director General of Sri Lanka Anti-doping Agency welcoming the attendees of the press briefing mentioned the importance of having an independent agency for Anti-doping for the Sri Lankan sport body by mentioning the unfortunate incident of the Sri Lankan boxer Manju Wanniarachchi. He emphasized the fact that the website is being launched in the parallel to the first year celebrations of the agency.

Prof. Arjun De Silva, Chairman of the Sri Lanka Anti-doping Agency expressed his views to the media by giving a factual report of the tasks carried out by the agency over the past one year. Before the establishment of the agency the officials only had the opportunity to test around fifteen to twenty players per year and in the present with the formation of the agency, the officials now have the luxury of the evaluating around eighty to ninety players for a year which is indeed a commendable development on the aspect. The chairman took courtesy off the podium promising the Minister of Sports that he will take the necessary steps to build up a media awareness campaign in order to educate the sports men and women around the island on the laws and the actions taken against anti-doping in Sri Lanka.

Hon. Minister of Sports Mr. Mahindanada Aluthgamage prior to the launching of the website addressing the media stated that this agency was first initiated when the Sri Lanka Government realized that they could not take any actions by law to the doctor who treated Manju Wannaiarchchi as there was no written constitution passed by the Sri Lankan Parliament on this matter. Following the tradition of closing the stable when the horse has bolted they took steps to pass a constitution and forming an independent agency for the matter and since then many of the errors has been rectified while many mistakes were prevented before-hand. It should be applauded among the community even though the reaction was overdue.

After the launching ceremony caught up with Prof. Arjuna De Silva the Chariman of the Sri Lanka Anti-doping agency and he said “I hope we could look forward with to help and make the sport men and women aware about the laws and the actions taken on this matter on the future media awareness campaign”

If the officials can break the Sri-Lankan hoodoo of converting action into words the Sri Lankan Sports franchise for sure will be in good hands in the future to come with loyalty and true sportsmanship pondering and we as the premier sports website would surely be a part of it.