3rd Annual Trinity-Thomian Basketball encounter


S.Thomas’ College got the better of Trinity College Kandy in their 3rd consecutive match against Trinity College. The final scoreboard at read 61-39.

An encounter was held recently at the Thomian home court and tensions were high with Trinity College looking to take the shield away against their unwilling opponents. The match was played in 4 quarters which started off with both teams pushing for the basket. The ball travelled up and down the court while both teams were switching from offense to defense rapidly as the players struggled to take control until Trinity drew first blood.

Captain Lalitha Heenagama took the shot only to be dismayed as Thomian Vice Captain Dion Ferdinands quickly leveled the score. The Thomians took the lead with the Trinity team right behind them. Fouls were made on both sides with both teams getting free throws. The first quarter ended with the score being 11-10 in favour of the Thomians.

The second quarter started out with two 3 pointers made by both teams within the first minute. Trinity College grabs the lead for the last time with Rahul Karunathilake scoring.  However  Captain Ashan Goonesinghe aided by Matthew Senn began a very offensive strategy and the Trinity team were put on the defensive from thereon . Trinity managed to get a total of 4 free throws but were able to score only on the last one.

The match went into halftime with the Thomians still in the lead ( 20-16)

The second half had the Trinity team under high pressure with the Thomians  getting a massive lead.  Point Guard Dion Ferdinands who showed an average performance in the first half built a strong defensive network.  Thomian Adrian Gunawardena  also performed a spectacular block as well as a steal later on in the quarter which leads to him scoring yet another basket. In fact the Thomians are so riled up that they accidentally scored at the wrong ring earning their opponents two points and getting forgiving amusement and support from their fans.

Keshan Selvarajah and Dinendra Danapala play heroically as they rack up points for Trinity rapidly and skillfully using the Thomians’ offense against them to exploit fouls. However the 3rd quarter ends with the Thomians in the lead with the score reading 40-29.The Thomians were now putting the icing on the cake as they scored heavily taking many 3 pointers. The Trinitians put up a good show but missed a few free throws while also being bombarded by their opponent’s continuous offense.

The match ends with the Scoreboard reading 61-39.

The Trinity College Captain Lalitha Heenagama (forward) was awarded the best offensive player shield . On the Thomian side Dion Ferdinands (Point Guard) was awarded the best defensive player award and Matthew Senn (Point Guard) was awarded the most valuable player award while the Thomians walked away with the trophy!