Lanka Challenge 2014 – The tuk tuk rally continues


Large Minority in partnership with Connaissanace de Celyan and the Sri Lankan Ministry of Economic Development have announced the 6th edition of the Lanka Challenge; a nine day rickshaw adventure taking place in Sri Lanka from 5th to 13th September 2014.

A media gathering was called today at the Sri Lanka Hotel School ahead of the event to brief the media regarding the event. 

Intrepid travellers from all over the world will once again traverse the spicy island of Sri-Lanka in one of the funkiest modes of transport invented by man-the humble three-wheeler. On this edition, the event will once again explore the Northern Province; wild, adventurous and less travelled territory-where participants can expect even more remote, scenic and challenging roads. The self-drive rickshaw challenge, will give teams of two or three close up and personal experience of some of the most fascinating historical sites and natural delights of the spice island, while raising money for local charities and environmental organizations.

The route will start of from Minuwangoda on the 5th of September and will cover the areas of Sigirya, Passikudah, Arugmabay, Udawalawe, Nuwara-eliya, Kandy and will end up on the 14th of September in Colombo.  

Julian Carnall, Co-founder and Organiser of Large Minority, who along with Juan Pardes conceived and organised the event says: “After the success of the last five Lanka challenge events, it is only natural to carry on our legacy and continue our meaningful adventure with the sixth edition. We hope to once again captivate the world through our responsible tourism initiatives, which will also include the Tamil speaking areas”. Juan Pardes adds: “We want to bring positive change and make a difference, but most importantly we want to show the world that Sri Lanka is safe and peaceful place to visit. It is an island endless diversity. It is beautiful, sweet and gentle, exotic and interesting, simply fascinating-we both adore it”.

The event, which is endorsed and supported by the Sri Lankan Ministry of Economic Development, is also a proud partner with Sri Lankan Airlines as the main sponsor for the event and  Connaissance de Celyan as the official travel partner. The organisers anticipate a total of  15 teams/ 35 International participants for the 2014 edition. 

The Lanka Challenge team will continue to support its local partners; the Red Cross Society of Sri Lanka and Land Owners Restore Rainforest in Sri Lanka (LORRIS). A total 10% of each team`s entry fee will be given directly to the Red Cross Society or their partners. Juan Pardes adds: ”Last year we collected over USD 8,000 which we used for different charitable projects including donating invaluable medical equipment, to the Jaffna region and planting many more than 200 indigenous trees to offset our carbon emissions. In 2014 we intend to raise very similar amount and touch many more lives through our sustainable manner.” 

In addition to this, the  organises encourage each team to raise at least 500 USD as well. The additional money raised by the teams can be used for their preferred charities in or out of Sri Lanka, or can be added to the organiser`s total. 

The organisers of the event warmly welcome the support from any individual who is unable to join but still want to support or raise the funds. 

For more information

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