“The 1st XV Jersey is always there near my pillow. It`s a part of my soul” – Kevin Dixon.


St .Peter`s College bid farewell to the Singer League 2014 claiming their position at the fifth place on the list. It was another job well done to these consistent performers of the oval shaped ball game.

Out of the Peterite outfit there were many individual performances that stood out from the rest of the contenders of the game. Scoring eleven tries throughout the league Kevin Dixon was judged as the highest try scorer for the season. The player who made defenders just mere spectators with his talent shared his story of success with ThePapare.com. 

How did you start your rugby career? 

Well my brother Peter Dixon used to play for college and it was a habit of mine to come and watch how he plays the match. One day St. Peter`s College lost one of the rugby match to Royal College and that was a heart breaking moment for me as it was a close game. After that incident my mind was focused on the game and I wanted to play for college and make sure that I give something back to college of all things that it has gifted me. I started playing as a B Division reserve player for the under 12 team under my first coach Mr. Shantha.

How was the support you got from your family? 

My family has always been behind me, motivating and lending their helping hand in every way they could. My mother prepares all the meals according to a plan also my father motivated me so much even I feel sick he comes and drops me to practices. The support from the family is exceptional.

What are the feelings and the emotions of representing the St. Peter`s College 1stXV rugby team for over a couple of years? 

The biggest dream that I had my mind when I started playing rugby was to play for the 1stXV rugby team. It was in-fact a fantasy in me to wear the Blue, White and Gold jersey and nothing is more valuable to me than that. I consider it as an honour and immense privilege to be a part of Peterite Rugby. Every time I wear the jersey the only emotion that comes in to my mind is how to perform more in the game to bring glory to college. 

Turning back to the season, how pleased are you with the performance of your team? 

We played the league as a team that was the most important factor. We had ups and downs but we improved from the point where we started the league in to higher standard when we closed down the league. Our coach Collin Dinesh Peter has played the anchor role in that. We finished the league on a higher note and we are looking forward to do well in the Knockout tournaments as well. 

You scored the most number of tries this season, scoring eleven tries. What makes you such a good ball carrier and how was the support you got from the team? 

As I mentioned before we played the game as one team. We always had a game plan when we stepped in to the field and we were always brave enough to execute the game plan that we had in our minds. Though I scored the try it was always because I had the support from the team.

What is your most memorable achievement in the rugby?

My first target was to represent the 1stXV rugby team and then the Sri Lankan team. I got selected to Sri Lankan team which toured China for Asian Youth Games in 2013. I never expected the captaincy of the team but I was awarded with it. That is the most memorable achievement.

How do you balance studies and rugby?

Since I spend most of the time with my rugby practices it is a bit hard to balance both. But    the support that I get from my family and my classmates is exceptional. With that support so far I have done a good job in balancing both rugby and studies.

How do you prepare yourself before a game? 

I try to be relaxed and calm as possible before the game. I usually drink a lot of water the day before the match and sleep early while listening to music. Everything we do before the match day is planned; the way we eat and the time we need to rest is all done according to a plan. On the morning of the match day I relax and think about my role in the team and what I should do at different match situations. 

Who is your favourite rugby player and why?

My favourite player in International rugby is William Rider. I have learnt many tactical moves from him from the day I started to play the game. He is one of the greatest inspirers for me.

In the local arena my favourite player is past Peterite Skipper Dhanushka Ranjan. He was my fist captain back in 2012 when I started to play 1stXV rugby. He taught me the frame work of 1stXV rugby, how to plan my meals, the way of adjusting in to the outfit and all the fundamentals of the 1stXV rugby. He will always be one of the greatest skippers that I have played for.

What are your future plans? 

I have one more year to play for St. Peter`s College so I want give my best on that bring glory to my alma-mater in each and every possible way I can. After that as every rugby player I also have plans of representing National level and extend my duties as a player to my country. 

Finally, any words of gratitude? 

Firstly I would like to thank my parents whose support is exceptional in my career.

Secondly my first coach Mr. Shantha for teaching me that its`not just a game but a passion that we follow here at St. Peter`s College. To my 1stXV coach Collin Dinesh Peter for standing behind me and guiding me in this path and he is indeed responsible for who I am today. Also all the other coaches who have coached me throughout my career, Mr. Senaka, Mr. Asiri, Mr. Gamini, Mr, Udyasiri, Mr. Sanath Martis, Mr. Thusitha and Mr. Rajeev Piccah. I would also like to thank Mr. Benn the physical instructor of the 1stXV Rugby team for the entire hard work put in through. The Rector of St. Peter`s College and the priest community and to the Master-In-Charge Mr.Sunil Aponso.  To all the past skippers, senior players and to all my team-mates.  Finally I would like to apologies if I have missed anyone`s name and make this an opportunity to thank all the People and the present and past Peterites who have helped me and my team even just from one word.

ThePapare.com was delighted to have caught up with this dashing youngster and wishes him well!