International basketball players head on with locals.


Avant Garde Basketball Championship has exciting fare on offer with international basketball players making a first time appearance in Sri Lanka.

This championship will be worked off from 23rd May – 21st June 2014 at Henry Pedris and Police grounds each evening.   

Solely powered by the Avant Garde Maritime Services Pvt. LTD, Avant Garde Basketball Championship will see thirteen renowned basketball teams taking part.  Each team is allowed to sponsor up to two international players.  It is for the first time in the history of Sri Lankan basketball that a tournament such as this where international basketball players are on display is worked off.

Recognizing the importance in expanding the basketball game to international standards, the Sri Lankan Basketball Federation has especially granted permission to include international players in the game. Each team is provided with two international players. However, to prevent any unfair advantage only one international player is allowed to be on the court at any given time.

“Getting the international players involved in the tournament was a very costly matter. Yet I decided to take in thus far knowing the benefits Sri Lankan players will gain from the involvement of these players in the game,” Chairman of the Avant Garde Maritime Services Pvt Ltd Nissanka Senadhipathicommented his sponsorship in the Basketball Championship. “I think Basketball also should meet same standards as Cricket and Rugby. After analyzing the costs and benefits of the tournament we are also looking forward to organize many more basketball tournaments by bringing down more foreign teams to Sri Lanka” he added. Growing up in Police Park premises, being the son of a police officer, the chairman himself is a basketball enthusiast.

Avant Garde Basketball Championships is an open tournament. The organizers are looking forward to give away the highest cash price in a basketball tournament in Sri Lanka: 1 Million Lankan Rupees. In addition Police Park basketball court and the Henry Pedris Basketball complex are being modified to suit the international standards. Especially the Police Park basketball court is supplied with new rings, board and other basketball facilities.

In the involvement in the sponsorship, AGMS is supporting the Police team not only by providing the international players but also by designing and developing special jerseys for the players. Avant Garde Maritime Services is well known for its sponsorship in many giant scale sporting events in Sri Lanka, up lifting local standards as well as creating

opportunities for the International players to visit Sri Lanka.

The international players are to enhance the local basketball standards. In their visit to Sri Lanka, they are aiming to conduct Basketball Workshops in addition to their involvement in the game.  All in all the experiences of the international are aimed to enhance the local basketball skills as well as performance.

Following are some remarks the International Basketball players shared with about their visit to Sri Lanka

Christopher Imotsikeme:
“I’m here representing Nigeria. I’ve played basketball for over 19 years and also had been to the national team. In the next month we are going to play with Sri Lankans. When I visited Sri Lanka for the very first time the level of Basketball was very low. Chairman spoke to us and said he didn’t bring us here to play professional basketball but to help the local basketball players. With necessary help I can guarantee in two years Sri Lanka is going to be in a very better place and I’ve been 19 years.”

Zygimantas Krupskis: “I’ve played for almost 15 years. Coming from Lithuania, basketball is more than simply a game there. For us basketball is life and as part of Europe we have very high standards for basketball. I personally am not a fan of US basketball; so I think Sri Lanka made the right choice in selecting us. I enjoy my visit to here already, people are very nice.”

Filip Vukosavljevic : “I’ve played in Serbian national team for a couple years. I also have been part of many European representations: Cyprus, Bulgaria, Sweden, and Morocco on top of my head. This is first time I’m here in a south Asian country. I feel Sri Lankan basketball is very armature compared to us. So we are here to give out and share out knowledge. Also enjoy our time here”

Dennis Ebikoro: “Joining the tournament from Nigeria I’ve played for the national team; apart from which I’ve also joined teams in the Middle east and in Australia. With this experience I think you have to develop the game in Sri Lanka to the European standards; bring momentum in to the game and keep it going on. For an example help Sri Lankans go to college in America and learn basketball. Come back and give back to team. “

Evaldas Tviraga – “I’ll be part of the police team. I’m playing for national team of Lithuania at the moment. In recent victories I was part of the team which won the 2nd European league. Obviously the level of basketball in Sri Lanka is in pretty bad shape. That’s why we are here not to show how to play but to teach the players.”