Royal Old Boys In Resounding Win Over Trinity Old Boys


The Royal Old Boys defeated the Trinity Old Boys by 40 points to 7 which was played for the E.L.Fernando trophy at the Royal College sports complex on Sunday.

This old boys encounter which used to be an annual encounter was revived this year after a lapse of twelve years. The last Trinity Royal old boys encounter was played in 2001 at the Royal College Sports Complex.

The Royal Old Boys team was captained by 2009 Bradby and league winning captain Naren Dason while the Old Trinitians were led by the 2008 Bradby winning captain Milinda Gunawardena.

The Royal Old Boys scored their points through five goals and one try. The try scorers for Royal were Chamara Dabare, Shehan Pathirana, Nabeel Faizer, Dushanth Lewke, Bemal Perera and Musheen Faleel. The solitary try for the Old Trinitians was scored by Sashan Mohomed.

The joint chief guests for this year’s encounter was Kehel Pannala the current head of the Trinity Scummage and Hemaka Amarasuriya chairman of the Royal rugby committee.