Ashan Silva free to race, Court suspends SLADA ban


The ban imposed on champion racing driver Ashan Silva by the Sri Lanka Autosports Drivers Association (SLADA) on the 30th April 2014 has being suspended by the Mount Lavinia district court. 

SLADA and the Motor Racing Association (MRA) found Ashan guilty on 7 purported charges, banning him from racing for a period of 6 months and imposing a 175,000 rupee penalty. Aggrieved by the said ban Ashan petitioned to the Mount Lavinia district court on 9th of May 2014 seeking a suspension of the ban.

President’s Council Kuvera de Zoysa appearing with Attorney-at-law Nishan Premathiratne instructed by Attorney-at-law Reshan Gamage appearing on behalf of Ashan submitted to court that the purported disciplinary inquiry by SLADA which is not registered under the regulatory body Sri Lanka Automobile Sports (SLAS) was tainted with irregularities and devoid of authority. Furthermore the learned President’s Counsel submitted that grave and irreparable loss and damage would be caused to Ashan and the future of his illustrious racing career if the decision of SLADA was permitted to be effected.

The Honourable Judge of the District Court being satisfied with the submissions made by the Counsel granted enjoining orders suspending the operation of the ban and the penalties imposed by SLADA and the MRA, and also granted an order preventing the members of SLADA acting and interfering with Ashan’s participation in races. 

Owing to the said enjoining orders Ashan is now permitted to race at all racing events conducted under the regulatory body SLAS with immediate effect, until the District Court looks into the main matter. The Mount Lavinia District Court has fixed the hearing of the matter for the 23rd of May 2014.

Ashan took part at the Super Series 2014 in Katukurunda on the 11th of May 2014 in a bid to secure his claim for the championship and was placed first in both SLGT events. He further cemented his position as the Number One race car driver in the island when he was adjudged the champion racer for the day.