The League’s Impact players week 2


Sudam Pahinda Sooriarachi (Soori) from Isipathana College who played as scrum half in the first half and moved to play as a fly half in the last 40minutes showed that he is capable of playing both the positions very well. He was outstanding as scrum half where he fed the ball quickly to the forward and from the ruck released fast to the three quarters which as a result Isiapthana manage to score too many tries against D.S.Senanayake. Moreover, Soori showed his skills in the second half playing as standoff with his tactical kicks especially his cross kick was well collected by the wing D.M Gallage who touched down in the corner. To add more for the green machine Omalka Gunerathne, G.D. Dissanayake, Rehan Romesh Silva and I. Kongahawatta added impetus.

On the other hand after losing two out of two conceding 146 points D.S. Senanayake is in big trouble. In week one no players were brilliant enough as a result there score board remained 00 at the end of 80 minutes. However, H. Tillekeratne from the black and gold had 100% success with four penalties showing great talent but sadly his tactical kicks were not followed by his team mates and went astray.

Kingswood hooker R.J.H. Amarasinghe played a fantastic game against the defending champions Dharmaraja college. He delivered accurate throws in the lineouts but most importantly he played a blinder as a front row forward scoring two tries and one of them which he ran 40m showcasing his fitness pace and power. Furthermore, captain Asela Wijesinghe too played a major role along with R.S. Paranagama and U.D. Atigoda.

H. Adikari, the Rajans no 8 who scored the only try in week 2 for his college where as Kingswood felt the real pressure from this big lad. Adikari breaks very quickly in scrums and when he runs 2 or 3 orange jersey’s has to kneel to stop him.

Leading points scorer in the league with 47 points under his name from only two games Trinity college captain Tarinda Ratwatte has shown a great character and no doubt a priceless asset for the lions. He is brilliant thinker of the game and his ability with his boot is truly amazing. He is not only sparkling with his individual brilliance but marshals his troops with discipline.

Vishmitha Peiris the Joes captain too had a stunning game against Trinity in week two. He is a fast and agile centre almost unstoppable when he is with the ball in hand. Even in the first game Peiris was superb with his leadership bringing about a win against Wesley. His form will play a vital role next week against Royal.

Shamri Burah continued his fine performance, this week where he did not play as a fly half but as a centre. Arguably he is the best tackler in the St. Peter’s squad. He nails his tacklers well and capable in  almost all the aspects in the game; so much skill in passing and kicking which led to win the game against Science College ending in a thriller.

A lad filled with immense speed in his legs, Lasindu Ishan outsmarted the Peterite defense many times but failed to convert them to scoring opportunities due to the lack of support by his team. His breaks from scrums are lightning quick, thrusting forward with immense speed and was always a pressure to the opposition. He himself scored a try with a pick and go in the forty seventh minute which in-fact brought Science College back in to the game. He has proven this is why he was picked to play for national under 18 last year.

Thomian Centre K.D.S.A. Nanayakkara the man of the moment was superb with his defensive tactics against the Eagles. He influenced a comfortable win for S Thomas’ in week two 2.

D.M. Jayatissa the scrum half of St. Anthony’s made a great come back after a little sloppy performance in week one. He had a brilliant run down to score a try early on and quick feeds this time from rucks and scrums.

Full back Lahiru Prasad who scored two tries had a great impact for the double blues despite Wesley losing. Sithum Peiris too had a good powerful run for which he is well-known. He is a threat for any opposition when he is in his full force.

Nimshan Jayawardene the Royal skipper once again played a captain’s knock in decision making attacking and defensive strategy. Talented Nikil Gunawardene made his presence with a brilliant display in week 2 scoring his first try.